The Dark Voice has obtained information from some of the clans regarding their recent endeavors. That information is as follows:
The stability that Arcona believed was theirs came crashing down during recent events. Proconsul Xu Long, in an apparent attempt to throw the Clan in Civil War, announced the sudden disappearance of Consul Halcyon. In a move worthy of Palpatine himself, the Warlord pit the two houses of Arcona against each other, their armies battling on the recently terraformed world of Boral. The House Leaders however found out about this "treachery" and together attacked the Proconsul on Selen. Xu Long however survived the attack, helped by Adept Halcyon, as the real truth was finally made clear. The Clan Summit had orchestrated events so as to cull the weak and ensure that the Clan was able to meet any future threats.
During the incident, Epis Laethan Ciarus was possessed by Dark Jedi Mater Denath, who now inhabits his body. Denath Ciarus, as he is now called, took control of Qel-Droma, wrestling it away from Archpriest Strategos with the help of Ullic Qel-Droma's lightsaber. In a surprise announcement, he named Templar Blade Dranal as Aedile of the primarily Krath house.
As the Independence Games entered their first days, Arcona has been bolstered by an influx of force-adept individuals, eager to learn the ways of the darkness. Animosity however still brews between the houses, true Civil War seemingly inevitable.
Editor's note: The following information dates to a time shortly before the merger of Clans Exar Kun and Satal Keto.
Clan Satal Keto has increased quickly in numbers in a short amount of time. The population currently stands at 91 members, with an additional 10 new members ready to complete their Test or Lore. A large majority of the new Apprentices who join the Clan waste no time in working their way through the ranks. Many have taken to the Shadow Academy and have bombarded it with numerous Course submissions. Summits of House Kirleta and House Aleema continue to work hard to maintain good activity and communication with all members of Satal Keto. It is pleasing to see the positive affects of their efforts.
Clan Summit Meetings and other projects are progressing. Leaders within Satal Keto are working together to help advance some of the projects. Enahropes is currently working on the Clan Satal Keto History - a history that is missing from the Clan. Enahropes has been gathering information and has been working on the creation of the History layout. It is hoped that in a few months Clan Satal Keto will have a completed History for all to read.
YRIDIA II: After retrofitting and reworking ships captured during the time of crisis, last year, Clan Tarentum is prepared to launch its newest capital ships: one Kuat Drive Yards Escort-class Carrier, a Corellian Engineering Corporation Gunship, and a Silvuit Corporation Vibre-class Assault Cruiser. These new ships will help Tarentum further control the underground elements that seek to establish a better than modest footing on Yridia IX. Fighters for the new Carrier are expected shortly.
SWORDS SHEATH: Months after the first encounter with undead experimentation gone terribly wrong, information is beginning to filter its way through to the rest of the Clans and the Brotherhood. The creature manifested took the might Dark Jedi Master Zero, former Deputy Grand Master under Grand Master Justinian Khyron, and a cadre of Tarentum's senior members to put down. New restrictions are being placed upon the experimentation upon undead creatures in light of the events upon the Sword's Sheath and the events that led to the closure of the training base on the moon Koros, which circles Yridia II.
Editor's note: The following information dates to a time shortly before the merger of Clans Exar Kun and Satal Keto.
Recent activities on the planet of Byfrost, in the Acarr system, have led outside sources to believe the Dark Jedi occupying the planet are mobilizing. In a recent report from Chi Long, Grand Master Emeritus and Consul of Clan Exar Kun, he mentioned a strike at the heart of the Independence Games. Silently the disciples of Kun have taken up this order, entering into the Games with great enthusiasm and passion. It seems the traits of Kun: knowledge, power and ambition, have been well instilled in their relentless training and efforts.
It is common knowledge that the Clan [Exar Kun] adheres to the strict "Path of Kun" - giving them an absolute understanding of how to garner power through the Dark Side of the Force. Recent reports from DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Knight Commander of the Brotherhood and Proconsul of Clan Tarentum, pointed to the efficiency of the Clan's training, as they [CEK] have had the highest percentage of Apprentices rise through the ranks. A commendable feat, particularly for a Clan left for dead only six months ago.
This recent surge in effort has drawn notable Rogue Jedi to their efforts, only increasing the power of the Clan. The efforts of each member of the Clan's Summit and their Envoys seems to play a key role in the retention of their young recruits. It should no longer be speculation that Clan Exar Kun is returning - they are already back
Clan Scholae Palatinae has continued to show a steady growth in members over the last few weeks and counts sixty-four members. The Clan has shown stability and is continuing to reach its goals, despite the many changes that have occurred in the clan in the last month. These changes have opened the way for the young apprentice of Proconsul DJM Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine, SWL Vally Aquillarum Tamalar, to ascend as Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae since the retirement of DAVail Aquillarum Unteminar.
The new Consul has tapped DJK Dakari and DJK Horus Aquillarum Blackheart to replace him as Quaestor and serve as Aedile, respectively, of House Dorimad Sol. These members have demonstrated their prowess and ability in the Dark Side; coupled with their new training techniques, the House is expected to become a major player in upcoming Clan competitions.
Sith Poll Creates a Stir
By Zadious
The opening ceremonies of the Independence Games last week ushered in a time of truce unheard of in the history of the Dark Brotherhood. With relative peace at hand, Dark Jedi have turned from the power of their lightsabers to the power of their words.
The fight at hand? Names.
Almost a month ago, Sith High Warrior Gui Long sent liaisons to each Sith stronghold in order to gauge opinions on a new ranking system yet to be installed. The Dark Voice was unable to reach the Dark Jedi Master directly-our messenger was flayed alive by Long's guards-but the High Warrior was kind enough to send us a message stating, "I believe the consensus has been that people aren't as opposed to changing the ranks, as much as they are to ‘changing them to something bad.'" His Excellency further states, "[the poll] is a Sith-only poll, because the Sith will choose what the ranks should be."
These comments have set the Brotherhood holonets ablaze with comments both positive and degrading. One of those who disagrees with the specific polling is Dark Jedi Master Kaiann Yetaru Entar. "Thus, while I fully agree that the opinion of Sith members should matter more in this aspect, that of others should at least be collected and reviewed," Entar told the Dark Voice. He further went on for three hours on the logistical inadequacies of Sith polling, none of which our staff understood.
While some like Entar provide solid reasons for their dissent, others, such as Exarch "Freshjive" Taldrya, appear to be on the verbal warpath. "Are you serious?" asked Taldrya as he learned of Entar's opinion. "That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard! If the Sith want to call themselves Happy Slappies, who really cares?"
Still others dismiss the arguing about ranks outright. "Pointless and trivial," says Proconsul Shadow Taldrya. "Frankly, the whole affair is beneath me. This is supposed to be the most fearsome Order in the galaxy? And they say the Obelisk are a joke..."
Master Long plans to conclude preliminary polling in less than a week. Soon after a second poll will be taken with more specific questions-again, for Sith only.
By Macron Goura
The manipulation of matter with chemicals and the Force is another interesting aspect of the Sith alchemical tradition. The Dark Lords of old were able to manifest a variety of effects which included mutations and cloning. These abilities increased their might, both personally as well as in regards to military power.
Unfortunately, the experiments could be gruesome and lengthy in nature. A proper alchemist always kept exacting notes, and performed as many experimental trials as they were able. Only the truly powerful and well funded Sith could produce effects of any consequence. This manipulation combined with the influence of the Dark Side produced staggering results.
One well-known aspect of Sith chemistry is cloning. The Emperor Palpatine was known to have used this technique extensively, and had cloning vats on Byss as well as in other locales. While there is true evidence that Palpatine had used this technique, other sources indicate that he may have taken the idea from an older Sith Lord. Cloning allowed potent Sith Lords to escape the ravages of the Dark Side upon their bodies while maintaining their original abilities and physical appearance. The new bodies were prepared, and upon death or desire the alchemist used essence transference to enter the new host.
Mutations are another Sith specialty. The ability to create armies of altered warriors was possessed by several Sith Lords, among them Emperor Palpatine, Naga Sadow and Exar Kun. Other Sith spawned creatures include Naga Sadow's huge Sith Wyrm, as well as Exar Kun's experiments with Massassi Abominations. These creatures are collectively known by the term "Sithspawned." Fortunately of the galaxy at large, they tend to be sterile. After the battle of Ruusan, Sithspawned creatures became quite rare.
An ancient example of Sith a mutation is the Silooth, a huge armored beetle-like creature. Originally mutated from womp rat-sized beetles, these acid-spewing creatures can grow to the size of a bantha or larger. The beasts are tenacious masters of destruction and ferocity. The ancient Sith Empire used these monsters at the Battle of Kalsunor.
The local culture proved to be very resilient, and was resisting the influence of the Sith.
The Silooth monsters were left to run rampant across the planet, and quickly destroyed any resistance. Unfortunately the monsters proved too much of a hazard for colonization afterwards, and the planet Kalsunor was subsequently abandoned. Later Dark Lords were known to keep individual Silooths as a prestige symbol.
Naga Sadow's Sith Wyrm was a mutated larval space slug that provided amusement for the Dark Lord. Sadow added size and power to the creature, as well as both reptilian and insect qualities. The Sith Wyrm nearly destroyed Exar Kun hundreds of years later when Kun first traveled to Yavin Four. This attests to the power of the creature as well as its longevity and mettle. Exar Kun was only able to destroy it using a deadly Sith Amulet.
The original Massassi race was altered by Naga Sadow to become fearsome combatants with an enhanced physique. They appeared as frightening vicious red warriors with an insatiable lust for violence and the ability to use the Force. The Massassi used weapons such as the Sith Lanvarok and alchemical blades, blaster type weapons, Sith Amulets, and Dark Armor. Naga Sadow, who went into hibernation, left the Massassi slaves upon the fourth moon of Yavin.
The spirit of Freedon Nadd drew Exar Kun to the moon of Yavin Four. The Massassi then tricked Kun into a battle with Naga Sadow's ancient Sith Wyrm. Kun won the battle by taking up a Sith Amulet and destroying the Sith Wyrm. He then destroyed the remaining spirit of Freedon Nadd with the amulet, thereby establishing himself as the master of the Massassi. The master then decided to experiment upon the Massassi that he had encountered.
Exar Kun's Massassi Abominations were a masterful manipulation of Naga Sadow's earlier work. Exar was full of spite and hatred, and swore to make an example of the Massassi who had put him through his earlier ordeal. Using Sadow's massive apparatus, Kun was able to enhance the Massassi genotype further by force. Kun sought a higher note of agony in the symphony of the Massassi physique. Exar was able to incorporate naturally dense armor in the skin of his subjects as well as other traits.
Zythmnr is a perfect example of one of Exar Kun's Massassi abominations. Exar altered the old Massassi priests' body by fusing his skin with biometallic alchemical armor and a godlike physique. The Massassi's hide grew from a thick hide to become hardened alchemical plates. His arms now ended in naturally razor-clad gauntlets and became vicious weapons of destruction. Kun then instructed the new Sith warrior in the way of the Dark Side. This Massassi Dark Warrior slew many Jedi before being destroyed himself.
Kun also continued another of Naga Sadow's great legacies. The Dark aura of Sadow's temples on Yavin Four had mutated the local fauna such as the Hydra lizard. Exar Kun encountered these reptilian creatures much later.
Kun then experimented upon the beasts, altering their physiology further to become Battle Hydras. He incorporated Sith armor alloys, making them less susceptible to damage from energy weapons and lightsaber attacks. Their mental state was also altered, as Exar made them quite susceptible to mind altering Force abilities. He also enhanced the toxicity of their natural poison substantially. Even millennium later, his spirit was able to command their descendants to attack Skywalker's students at the Jedi Academy on Yavin Four. Unlike most Sithspawn, these reptiles were capable of reproduction.
Escaped Homunculus
By Saitou
It is with great embarrassment that Clan Scholae Palatinae reports an error made by one of their senior Krath, Pontifex Saitou: that of an escaped homunculus. Reports of the creature leaked from CSP's grasp when a lesser transport was stolen from and exited CSP space, presumably en route to Arcona's dominion.
"It is a well known fact that Acclivis Draco and Qel Droma have been at one another's throats for ages, but this is a new development," stated Timbal. "Knowing of Saitou's personal vendetta against House Qel-Droma only makes it logical that they will be its first target. However, we are unsure if its aim is sabotage, espionage or merely an insanity derived, meaningless quest."
According to House Aclivis Draco Quaestor Kschamehellan, "Every effort was made to capture the creature alive and quickly turned to more lethal means, but we were ill prepared for such an event. We have upgraded our security systems accordingly and have procured the aid of local bounty hunters in the search."
When questioned concerning his wayward homunculus, Saitou merely mumbled incoherently about "a single step of the process going horribly wrong resulting in the [his] creation going berserk". Under increasing pressure from his own Clan Summit and with the humiliation of the neighboring Clans' haughty calm, Saitou has been forced into personally seeing to the creature's ultimate capture or destruction.
Proconsul Xu Long of Arcona is confident the threat is minimal and that his Clan will in no way be put in any danger. "We are certain this is little cause for any (sic) worry, save the disgrace who let it escape. Arcona will rectify the incompetence of CSP."
Should any Dark Jedi happen upon the homunculus, a reward is offered for any evidence gained and great honor will be bestowed should it be captured and returned alive. Detailed information and successive follow-ups will be available upon request from CSP's office of external affairs at: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/lawngnome/
The Emperor Palpatine was also a master of mutational chemistry. Palpatine created a horde of different monsters, and among them was the Chrysalide Rancor. Otherwise known as the "Chrysalis Beast," these monstrosities grow to maturational size inside enormous alchemical cocoons. These creatures can be gargantuan in size. Chrysalide Rancors were first used against an Alliance strike team that had almost reached the Emperor's inner sanctum on Byss. In his book The Creation of Monsters, the Emperor shares his evil thoughts on the subject of mutational alchemy.
Artificial life forms have also been created chemically by the Sith. The creation of homunculi and Sith familiars is a lesser-known art. These creatures served as excellent spies and reconnaissance agents.
Various Dark Lords have used Sith alchemy to enhance their personal physiques as well. Lord Vader's armor contained Sith chemicals provided to him by the Emperor. These chemicals enhanced his personal strength substantially, as well as increasing his ability to heal damage. Belia Darzu's suit enhanced her prowess alchemically as well.
These chemicals could increase the strength of the warrior in question, accelerate healing and negate fatigue. Lesser-known disciplines included chemicals to reduce the need for food and increase the dexterity of the user. Of course, they had side effects that could sometimes be ameliorated by the use of the Force.
And finally, Sith Poison is arguably one of the most famous, rare, and mysterious of the Sith Alchemist's arsenal. This poison literally infects the victim with the Dark Side, causing tremendous agony and forcing the afflicted to call only on the Dark Side of the Force. This is traditionally used on Force using beings. Overcoming the debilitating poison is a lengthy and painful process, as the venom tends to linger in the system of the being in question.
Satal Keto used Sith poison on the Jedi warlord Ulic Kel-Droma. The poison clouded Kel-Droma's mind, and tainted him with the Dark Side. The poison was instrumental in turning Ulic by helping to release his full fury in a battle with Keto. This battle proved fatal for Satal Keto, and completed Ulic's fall into Darkness and his ascent as a Krath.
If we could once more harness the eldritch and august powers of Sith Alchemy, we could once more we would have a tool that has been instrumental in the arsenal of the Sith Cult. Various techniques and methods have enhanced the power of the Sith from antiquity all the way up to the modern era. By using these methods, the operator can produce many effects of great power. The Art has a long a varied history, which continues to this very day. Mastery of these methods will enhance the power of the operator. All such experiments magnify the power and glory of the Sith tradition.
New Ruby Sceptre Click image for larger version
By DV Staff
Cyris Oscura is at it again. A prominent member who has made a name for himself by re-designing and re-forging the medals of the Brotherhood has another creation to add to his ever-growing list. The Dark Voice has obtained a leaked design image of the new Ruby Scepter. Confidential sources say that the Grand Master specifically instructed the skilled craftsman to create a more dark and ornate award.
The new design that has been shown to us is largely different from its predecessor. Earlier versions of the Ruby Scepter consisted of a short wooden staff with a round Ruby held on at the top. This new design has a carefully crafted metal shaft that holds a round-cut Ruby on either end. The design was inspired by a broken scepter found in the ruins of the former Star Chamber before the plague.
The Master at Arms has been tasked with collecting the older scepters and replacing them with the new version for those Jedi who choose to do so.
By: Callus Bo'Amar
Many of you have already read the news announcement about the long awaited Project Rebirth, and personally it excites this reporter. For those of you who haven't read the updates the link can be found here: http://gm.darkjedibrotherhood.com/awakening.html
Not only the Dark Council, but also you, the Members, has expressed their opinions to give the detailed and interesting points of view.
In looking for someone to start off my quest for information, I stumbled upon Dark Jedi Master Bloodfyre-Tarentae, the Sith High Warrior. Not deeply involved with the actual administration, instead providing the best technology and a new sense of realism. His main priorities now, as an Order Leader, are mostly concerning the upcoming Sith War. "The revamping of the Sith Order exams in entirety for the Shadow Academy" and as always the continuation of regular gaming. People wanted to know if any new games were going into the arena of the Brotherhood, and he responded, "I have Crix Madine working as a sort of "game scout" for me."
Changes for the Sith include finalizing the rank names and other worries for the members of those orders. "I think the self-image of the Order has been led down the wrong path, and for too long, it has been allowed to continue. I think that sometimes, people need to challenge their core beliefs, weight (sic) them for what they truly are, and then make whatever changes are necessary to adapt and dominate." He thinks that the Sith need to break away from the ordinary and the already made trail and blaze their own path and "not have to be what Lucas makes us. We also have to realize, we influence the Star Wars community, and we have the opportunity to make it just as much as it makes us."
If every member has the optimistic attitude as the Sith High Warrior then the Dark Brotherhood is in no trouble for the future at any time. But the Future really depends on the members it's just the duty of the leaders to keep us going the right way.
Former Grand Master Shrouds System
Hunt for Mike Halcyon continues
Dark Hall, Antei
In a fit of rage, Grand Master Faethor De'jarc displayed one of the most far-reaching of the esoteric abilities of the Grand Masters. By Shrouding the Antei System proper with the Dark Side of the Force he inhibitied all followers of the Jedi Order from touching the life energies of the Force through their passive manipulation.
Anonymous sources close to the Star Chamber, and the insular Long Family claim that the Apprentices of the enigmatic Dark Lord have become frustrated with the progress of the hunt for Mike Halcyon, traitor to the Final Way. With the reported appearance of Halcyon's yet unnamed Padawan, Family Patriarch Chi Long has taken a personal interest in the matter. Formerly, only Masters Shan Long and Gui Long were the only Elders hunting for the Anathema Brethren.
"With the Shroud cast over the Force, the Halcyon will be prevented from escaping the Antei System without direct assistance from an Elder Brethren" Master Gui Long commented. "The Hyperspace Shroud itself is wholly impassable to one not immersed in the Dark Side of the Force." He added. Master Shan Long refused interview.
Shortly after the incursion of the Consciousness into the Followers of the Star Chamber, it was revealed that Master Mike Halcyon had deceived the Dark Council as a Master of the Jedi Order. Grand Master Chi Long swore to bring the traitors blood before the Iron Throne. Agents of the Long Family have tracked the Jedi across the galaxy before reporting that Halcyon had been sighted on Antares Minor. Compiled from holonet reports
The Grand master was more than happy share with me information that the project was going smoothly and that his main focus was "the hardest challenge; keeping them organized Trying to get the calendar straight, to get dates, to make sure the pieces all fit and are done on time That is my top priority, because without organization from the top, the project will fail"
One of the major concerns was the prestige system how it would work and how it came about, "The Prestige group, as I remember, was Mav, BB, Yacko and myself primarily. I think Gryff was in on it too. We just talked and as we started thinking about it, the idea of working it into the credits came into play. Eventually, things just developed over time."
That's all well and good but what about promotions? Would the new system affect how people earn promotions? "That is what I love about all aspects of the Rebirth system. It is exactly opposite of what we know from games. In games, you gain experience or gain prestige and then once you have enough, you get promoted. With Rebirth, you work hard, play games and be active. You get rewarded in the same way that you do now, through competitions and activity"
He was very excited by the new modular website that was coming to the Brotherhood and promised customizable features multiple layouts and improved functionality. "The golden age of the DB is still to come."
Dalthid, the current Combat Master, is most interested in the projects that concern the Antei Combat Center (ACC) and the new aspect of experience points. He also wanted to calm fears that people may have been having about the new systems "If a member thinks the ACC is about how much a[ss] their character can kick, then there is no fear that I can calm - things will change, some for the better, some for the worse - it depends on your perspective. However, if a member is someone who is in the ACC for combat writing, then they probably don't have any fears about change - the 'needing to adapt' will be refreshing for some writers who may feel stuck in a rut."
He also wanted to let us know that the championship ladder is shaping up nicely and that "anyone can be beaten. When I'm on though, no, I don't think there is anyone in the Brotherhood who can touch me in the ACC... And yes, that is an open challenge"
It appears that the Combat Master doesn't play around when it comes to his domain and the good of the entire club. To clear up some issues that some may be having is that no matter what the Dark Council does nothing is going to come to fruition. I've been rambling on about the membership but you may be reading this and thinking, "What do they really think?" So I'll tell you not from me but from other members not DC but the Tyros, Troopers, and Flight Members. The heart and soul of the Brotherhood.
So I had the chance to speak with a few of our younger hard working members. Two Guardians Brujah and Sephiroth Storm. Though they may only have been in the DB for a few short months they have established themselves as prominent members in their houses.
DV: Guys what are your feelings on the Rebirth project?
GRD Brujah: It's updating the Brotherhood with the most advanced technology we can get our hands on.
GRD Storm: To usher in a new era of Darkness
DV: What do you think this project [Rebirth] will do for the future of the brotherhood?
Brujah: I think that it will bring new members and reignite the spark of the older members
Storm: I hope it will be positive and will show people that we have truly separated from the EH
Rebirth: It means many things to different people but it all equals a bright future for the DB, for it's members and for it's enemies... a new world of hurt. No one will dare mess with us.
Mythology of the Universe- the Aar'aa
By Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Legions Begin Training in the Du'san Boundary
Security of the Boundary Regions called into question
Kalekka Tower, Antei
A spokesman for the Dark Council announced the deployment of the Sixteenth, Seventeeth, and Eighteenth Legions into the immediate reaches of the Du'san Boundary for an unspecified duration. This deployment has drawn resources of field commanders, materiel, and warriors from all seven Clans and the Council, most notably the Sixteenth Legion, which comprises the personal retinue to the Dark Lord of the Sith.
The largely unexplored Du'san Boundary encompasses a narrow isthmus of land that separates both the northern Nostrum Sea from the southern Mare Sea and the two largest continents of Antei. This region is the only land bridge between the continents, through the Boundary, considered impassable due to the violent storms that rage over the Du'san Mountains.
Referred to by the Dark Council as a "strategic buildup" to secure the region, a network of fortifications are slated for construction throughout the mountains, beginning with the Jardan Pass.
Currently, the only structure within the region is the personal retreat of Master Trevarus Caerick, Kalekka Tower. Over three thousand prefabricated temporary shelters surround the base of the Tower, which is serving as the operations center until more suitable facilities are constructed.
As primitive natives of the planet Aar, this race of chameleon-like reptilians has a developed, but deceptively simple mythology, characterized by a strange pantheon of gods to which the Aar'aa pay homage. At the top of this scale, epitomized as the creator of the Aar'aan race and the 'father' of their civilization, is the Moon God Aar'rath. The name of this celestial being is derived from the name of planet, the suffix 'rath' meaning father of. The common conception of Aa'rath is that of a towering, unapproachable figure, clad in the night sky itself- this perhaps links to the camouflaging ability of the Aar'aa and their ability to disappear into their surroundings. In Aar'aan mythology, several major gods including his lover, the goddess Sur'reth, support Aar'rath. Sur'reth is seen as the mother of the Aar'aan people- they hold her in high esteem, although she is seen as inferior to the Moon God himself. Other important figures are the brothers of Aar'rath, Ter'mah and Jur'mah, gods of the sun and the stars respectively. Another important figure is the son of Aar'rath and Sur'reth, known as Tuer'mort. This mysterious figure supposedly renounced his father and mother, choosing to live in seclusion in a far corner of Aar, away from the central hub of the Aar'aan civilization, where he practiced the arcane arts against the commands of his father. As such, Tuer'mort has become the subject of worship for a cult known as the Shadow Brothers, a group of dark Aar'aa who choose to live in the shadows, practicing strange forms of magic including ritual sacrifice.
Beneath these three major gods there is an abundance of minor gods- the Aar'aa worship many deities. There is a separate deity for each of the six seasons that Aar faces in a conventional year; deities for many of the animals that the Aar'aa catch to sustain them; separate regions of Aar even have deities such as Sle'tor, the god of the black swamp that stretches across a large part of northern Aar, and Far'lan, the goddess of the high cliffs which encircle the only major city on Aar'aa. This almost naive approach is due in a large way to the primal culture of the Aar'aa- they rely on gods and deities to sustain them in place of the rules and laws that many other more advanced civilizations have.
The Aar'aa are also a race with a rich history of legends and myths. For example, the most famous tale told around the guttering campfires of Aar is that of Qua'nan, a disciple of the Moon God Aar'rath, who was chosen to defend his master during a vicious battle between Aar'rath and Ter'mah. Ter'mah was jealous of his brother's position, and attempted to usurp him by a sneak attack on Aar'rath's fortress. However, due to the gallant action of Qua'nan, Ter'mah's champion was defeated and the invading forces routed. Qua'nan is often held up as an example to young Aar'aa, something to aspire to.
With a race that has such a complex, intertwining system of myth and legend, it is often difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. However, for such a primitive race the Aar'aa have taken great pains to keep their history and their mythology separate. For example, it is widely known that the first true ruler of Aar, So'kan, bore no relation to the Moon God and was merely an earthly representative of Aar'rath.
For such a primitive race the Aar'aa have an extremely developed mythological system, one that has lasted since their inception as a race through to the present day. My hope is that this article will highlight some of the fascinating stories surrounding the Aar'aan race.