The Dark Voice has obtained information from the seven clans regarding their recent endeavors. We have also received word from the Master At Arms office about who will be receiving Seals of Loyalty during this years Day of the Exodus celebrations. That information is as follows:
Stability has fallen upon Arcona as its leaders cement their hold upon the houses. Paladorion Teranioklon Entar has returned to the Clan and taken up the position of Aedile within Qel-Droma. With the entire Summit in place, the leaders have tasked themselves to mold their members into a cohesive fighting unit. Behind closed doors pieces are moved and decisions finalized as the final goal draws nearer.
Not all however has been pleasant, and large changes loom upon the horizon. The current information database is in need of rebuilding, its archives needing both updating and addition. This large, yet vital task, is currently being spearheaded. In the coming weeks the face of Arcona may change once more. The goal shall never change as both new and old vie for supremacy and attention as the Clan grows stronger and bolder.
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Arcona:
Sith Warlord Xu Long
Dark Jedi Knight Quejo Bandon Drakai
Dark Jedi Knight Kandos Katarn
The Clan update for Naga Sadow is contained in the story "Orion: Two Years On."
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Naga Sadow:
Dark Side Adept Astronicus Sadow
Sith Warmaster Robert Daragon
Krath Epis Muz Ashen Keibatsu
The Clan update for Scholae Palatinae is contained the story "CSP Solidifies Rule Over Judecca."
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Scholae Palatinae:
Sith Warlord Vally Aquillarum Tamalar
Krath Priest Kschamehellan
Krath Priest Exodius
Tarentum has undergone some big changes recently. Telona Murrage Tarentae is now the Krath High Priestess. Anshar Kahn Tarentae has taken over as Proconsul of the Clan. Meanwhile, in House Gladius, JH Frosty Romanae has been appointed Aedile.
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Tarentum:
Jedi Hunter Frosty Romanae
Krath Priest Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Obelisk Primarch Zekk
Clan Exar Kun has continued to improve due to the hard work of its members! We have been consistently placing (sometimes even taking first place!) in numerous competitions recently, and I cannot state how proud I am of how our Clan is coming along.
We have also released the Clan Exar Kun holonet at www.clanexarkun.net. This "site" houses information of great value to our members (such as our Path of Kun training program) and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Exar Kun:
Dark Jedi Knight Braecen
Jedi Hunter Lucien
Jedi Hunter Aerick
Clan Satal Keto has increased in population as quickly as a thief running from the police. It was only a couple of months ago when Satal Keto sat at 28 members. With the constant stream of new recruits and the efforts of the Leaders within Satal Keto, the Clan now stands at 59 members. The Leaders of Aleema (Callus & Nilani) and Kirleta (Warhunter & Pug) have worked to keep their houses alive, holding their members' interests with many interesting and fun activities. The leaders have also offered their members as much assistance as possible. The Consul (Selket) and Proconsul (Enahropes) have worked hard to maintain a constant flow of activity within the Clan. Doing their best to provide all members with assistance, Guides/Programs, activity, and all around fun.
With the efforts from the leaders and members, the Clan has maintained a strong standing. No more than 5 months ago did Satal Keto sit near death. More than half the members were inactive, and the leaders were struggling to stay interested by leading inactive members. The grass now appears green as the Clan breathes deeply with new life. Satal Keto will become one of the stronger Clans of the Brotherhood! Order. Power. Unity.
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Satal Keto:
Sith Warrior Warhunter Arawn Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Callus
Dark Jedi Knight Nilani
Since their achievements in the Krath Rite of Supremacy, Clan Taldryan has settled into a state of normalcy once again. Consul Katarn has been away on Clan business, leaving the newly named Proconsul Shadow to run the Clan on a day-to-day basis. Also the past several weeks have seen the return of several seasoned veterans to Taldryan's ranks, and the Clan is glad to have them.
The following members have been awarded a Seal of Loyalty from Taldryan:
Krath Priest Nexusmage
Dark Jedi Knight Duga
Jedi Hunter Fire Knight
The Metallurgy of the Sith
By Macron Goura
The Sith tradition has a distinguished history of being masters of the metallurgical sciences. The accomplishments of the Sith alchemists include such things as cortosis alloy, the Sith sword, and enhanced Dark Armor. These items allowed the Sith to dominate the cultures that the various Dark Lords subsequently encountered.
The cortosis metal is one of the most obscure minerals used by the Sith. Cortosis fibers and alloys have been used primarily in armor and weaponry. They are extremely difficult to produce. This also makes cortosis exceedingly rare.
Cortosis fibers have the ability to harmonically separate the beam of a lightsaber. This causes the beam to refract upon itself and shut down. Lesser cortosis alloys are merely resistant to lightsaber blows, and do not cause cancellation of the beam. It is rumored that the ancient Sith Warrior Larad Noon had a talismanic cortosis suit that actually would drain the power cells of an encountered lightsaber but this is unconfirmed.
These mineral fibers are made form a black metallic alloy found only in a very few places in antiquity. These included Dxun, Korriban, Sepros, and an unconfirmed site somewhere in the Yavin system. All of these sites have now been completely mined out.
Modern scientists working under the programs of the Empire have found technological means of reproducing cortosis alloys and fibers. However, this process is extremely time consuming and expensive and thus cortosis alloys are still terribly rare in modern times.
The Sith sword is another metallurgical triumph. These bladed weapons are composed of a secret mixture of alloys and Sith chemicals. Their creators then enhanced these blades using the Dark Side of the Force. A Sith sword retains its hardness against lightsaber attacks. The blades are also rumored able to deflect blaster bolts and projectiles like a lightsaber. The edge is supernaturally sharp, and supposedly becomes even more so with the increasing Force power of the wielder. Sith swords could also serve as talismanic focuses for other dark side abilities and powers. Also, Sith swords do not require power cells to operate. Ludo Kressh was known to possess a Sith sword of masterful workmanship.
Finally, Dark Armor has been a part of the Sith cult since the beginning. The Sith Alchemists found ways to increase the protection of armor by incorporating various substances and chemicals. Often, this involved expensive raw materials, time, and the expenditure of Force energy by the maker. Other features could include prowess enhancing chemicals, talismanic Force powers, stealth abilities or other technological adaptations. An excellent example is Darth Vader’s armor that enhanced the Dark Lord’s physical abilities, kept his shattered body functional and incorporated advanced sensor equipment.
In short, Sith metallurgy is responsible for granting the Sith cult a considerable advantage in combat. Equipment such as cortosis, Sith blades, and Dark Armor have contributed mightily to the fearsome prowess and reputation of the Sith.
By Arania
Over the last weeks, there had been some disturbing tendencies in the native populace of the Clan's homeworld. The presence of Dark Jedi seemed not to be to everyone's liking, and some misguided minions had the mind to try to do something about it. The situation culminated in a rather pathetic attempt to gain control over the Clan's stronghold. With a makeshift army of about 4000 natives, the wannabe-rebellion gathered in front of the Clan's Headquarters, obviously believing that by outnumbering the Dark Jedi, they would gain victory. The fact that their weaponry was substandard and the power of the Force was so great completely escaped those people.
Of course, the result was utter failure. There was no need for the Sith or Obelisk to even leave the stronghold, although many did anyway, just to have some refreshing workout and take part in the slaughter. It was all over in less than 30 minutes. "It was a nice change from routine, especially after all this Light Sider crap recently," the Aedile of Dorimad Sol, Mage, stated. "It was just what some of our newer members needed to get the feel of the Dark Side."
It was quickly found that the culprits all came from the Mhork province, an area on the southern hemisphere known for it's rather new age styled religion. While CSP usually rules with a light hand, believing in having the support of the natives as well as their respect, there was no second thought in this matter. By orders of CSP's Proconsul, the remaining leaders of the wannabe-rebellion were arrested and brought to her, and the main temple of their sect was destroyed.
Currently, CSP's members are in the process of arresting or killing their Ky'ats (a type of priest). The plan is to brainwash them and use them to help control the population. But the remaining temples will not be destroyed. "We'll instead turn them into temples of Krath," Lawakiro explained. "The Mhorkians have potential, and thus they need some type of spirituality to guide them in the right way. Later, we'll probably rebuild the main temple too, likely as a Sith temple to offer more diversity."
Upon being asked, Lawakiro admitted the plans to the arrested leaders still alive. "But rest assured they would prefer to be dead right now. There is no need to kill quickly when killing slowly drives the point home better. We might even leave one or two alive to serve as a living -- well, somewhat living -- example."
Consul Unteminar confirmed that the other provinces are closely watched right now, too. "You can never know just what ideas will pop up in the minds of inferiors," he said. "We might have been a bit too lax for a few months, but it won't happen again - unless, of course, our fighters will need some more exercise."
Warlord Predator has been named Overseer over all the provinces until a better set up can be found. "It will all be quiet in no time," he was quoted. "They will soon all know what it means to be under a Sith."
By DV Staff
The Dark Voice staff has expended considerable resources and energy in trying to find out what is going on at the Shadow Academy. The dust around it has settled as the new buildings are finally completed with the new upgraded defenses systems online. However, just as one project ends, it seems another begins. Recently we have been hearing rumors that the Headmaster is going to turn the Initiate training program on its head.
The Shadow Academy Click image for larger version
The first reporter we sent to gather information about this change was last seen being tossed off of the balcony outside the Headmasters office, after being told to "Get the hell out!"
Approaching members of the Headmasters staff was safer but not anymore helpful. All that the Dark Voice Staff was able to get out of his Praetor, Anshar, was "You will find out when I do."
Several thousand credits and several reporters later, we can report this - the new training program that is in the works will be completely different from anything else that the Academy has ever seen.
Meanwhile, while our reporters where scouring the Shadow Academy for information, we uncovered a few details about the new Flagship which the Headmaster has helped design. It is rumored that the Headmaster has sent out several Brotherhood operatives to acquire some of the most advanced technology the New Republic has to offer. The details of which are still unknown at this time.
By DV Staff
The Dark Voice Staff has learned that one who forged the newest version of the Golden Lightsaber, Cyris Oscura, has forged a new medal for use by the Brotherhood. The newest creation is set to replace the aged Star of Antei shortly after the release of this newsletter.
"Kaine and I were digging through some old archives when we came across a design for an award," Cyris told Dark Voice correspondents."After we looked at it for a short time, we realized that what we had come across was the original version of the Star of Antei."
The New Star of Antei
The new design, based off an original from the days of the Triumvirate, resembles the old one but with drastic modifications. The Star of Antei, renamed from the original "Star of Eos," after the split had three stones of different colors attached to a small silver ring. The new design, depicted here, has the same three gems, but this time they are black. "That is to symbolize Antei, the black star," Cyrsi said. "Also, the ornate backing is more in semblance with the original version."
Master At Arms, Khan Kunar, was thrilled. "It is a great change for the awards. I have been envisioning many changes like this for some time. Cyris is truly talented."
As reported earlier, Cyris also created a new Golden Lightsaber. For his work on that, the new Star of Antei and other projects, Lord Cotelin and Herald Kaine felt it was time to elevate Cyris to the rank of Overlord. "I am inspired by his work," commented Lord Cotelin. "There is hope for the Brotherhood in men like Cyris."
The Katana: An In-Depth Study
By Nekura
In the history and literature of our universe, it has often been claimed that the first Katana was created by a Jedi to serve as a substitute for his lightsaber. If this is true, it would mean that the Katana is one of the oldest weapons in the universe and still one of the most potentially deadly. The legends of many planets speak of the Katana playing a role, perhaps due to their recognition of the strength of this weapon.
Amongst the members of the Brotherhood, the Katana seems to have garnered a bad reputation possibly due to the abundance of younger members who obtain a poor quality blade then boast of its prowess in combat. However, a true katana - one that embodies the spirit of the Jedi who first created this magnificent, curved blade - can always be told apart from one of shoddy craftsmanship. Not only in terms of creation but also in aesthetics and the overall 'feel' of the weapon.
The creation of a great katana is a lengthy, exhausting process. Firstly, to ensure that he is spiritually purified and worthy to create the weapon, the smith must meditate and purify himself for up to as much as thirty days before beginning work on the blade. The purpose of this is to drive evil spirits from his mind and allow him to focus totally on his work. Then, after washing himself under an ice-cold waterfall, the smith dons his robes and begins work. There are many methods used to create a Katana; the following is known as the Tsukuri method. In this, several pieces of high-quality steel are heated, stretched, and folded lengthwise many hundreds of times. When the metal becomes malleable, it is pounded and beat upon until it is sufficiently tempered. The pieces of steel are gradually formed into a blade, but not before the entire process of heating and folding is repeated up to thirty times. Each time the metal is folded over, the smith must take great care to ensure that all air and dirt is excluded - otherwise the blade will break in combat. Once the metal has been folded and then shaped into a blade, it is often composed of as many as 4,194,304 layers of metal- attesting to the incredible strength of these weapons. The unfinished blade is then covered with a layer of clay that is then scraped off in order to attain a certain design for the hamon (temper line) of the blade. The blade is then quenched in a tank of lukewarm water, completing the forging of the weapon.
From this exhaustive process it is easy to see why the Katana has obtained such a reputation across the universe. Many warriors remain satisfied with their Katana of inferior quality, but these are as a shock stick is to a lightsaber; low-quality imitations that can never hope to emulate the original. A true, well-forged Katana should serve as a worthy replacement for any Dark Jedi's lightsaber in the spirit of the Jedi who first created this astonishing weapon.
By Clan Naga Sadow
Almost two years have passed since the conquest of the new worlds - Antei and Antares, Kra'Tal and Cocytus, Aranna, Dajjora, Accar and Orian. During this period the Heirs of the Empire have found themselves thrust into war on more than one occasion, only to emerge all the stronger for it. The past two years have seen the Khar Shian task force grow from nothing more than a battered transport (used to smuggle holocrons and artifacts away from the corrupt grip of a failed Imperial power) to a full fledged battlegroup. Even the lost flagship, the frigate Foresight, returned from the cold wasteland of space. The Force has most certainly been with us these past forty seven months.
Construction of the new fortress moon, Dentavii, was recently completed and has seen the reorganization of the militant wing of the Clan under the steadfast command of Robert Daragon, Son of Sadow. Much of the Orian system remains unexplored, and there are secrets still lurking beneath the frozen depths of many of the outlying worlds. The pious order of Marka Ragnos has recently been assigned to rid the system of all remaining pockets of resistance to the rule of the Sons of the Empire. There are also whispers of the formation of a territorial army drawn from the elite palace guard and loyal subjects. Many have begun to speculate that the recent acquisition of AT-TE walkers was only the first step; some have even laid claims to documents taken from the Summit offices that speak of a possible shipment of AT-AT walkers and even feared Juggernaut battle tanks. Thus far the Clan Summit has refused comment.
Of late the Consul has re-established the Inner Circle, a body not seen since the days Master Caerick walked the halls of Sadow Palace. Already there have been rumors of two great conclaves taking place, of whispers in the dark and secrets unheard. Even a number of men long forgotten by youth of today have been seen wandering the hallways and in summitry with the Consul and his deputy. It marks a return to a Golden Age not seen in four years. There have also been rumors of strict defiance of the ruling of the Chamber to dissolve the Black Guard following their involvement in the deceptions of the Great Jedi War - while unconfirmed many have begun to speculate that this elite cadre, plucked from the prime ranks of Clan Naga Sadow, has been reformed. Though like it always has, the Black Guard remains shrouded in mystery.
Much of this recent success must be handed to Sith Overlord Malik, Son of Sadow, who has been serving as Consul of the Clan for the past thirteen months. With the eve of the Great Schism approaching we must sadly announce the departure of Malik from his post following his decision to pursue the greater mysterious of the dark side and return to his former home of House Ludo Kressh. His tenure has made him the third longest serving Consul in Clan history, an accomplishment matched by the accomplishments of his term. We all hope his achievements echo through the tenure of his successor and that the Clan continues its return to the Golden Age of Naga Sadow.
By Arania
The Brotherhood's Throne Room is an impressive sight on it's own. The Dark Side pours from it's very substance and strengthens everyone entering it - unless, of course, they happen to be too weak to accept it's power. Of course, it becomes even more impressive with Grand Master Jac Cotelin and his Deputy, Telaris Cantor, seated within. Everything seems to dwarf next to our leaders, as it should be.
Dark Voice Staff was able to arrange and interview with both the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand. The excerpt is as follows:
DV Staff: Your Excellency, the obvious first question everyone wants to find the answer to - how was it possible for a Light Jedi to go as far as the Council without being noticed, and more important, without being corrupted? Do we even know if Halcyon was corrupted or not?
Grand Master Cotelin: Mike Halcyon came at a time when there was a great deal of unrest in the Brotherhood. The Grand Master was gone, the virus was spreading, and there was little oversight of the people and their positions. No one even fathomed that a person would spend as many years as Mike did to just infiltrate us. Not to mention that he performed as an ally throughout the process. Some credit is due to the man who fooled the entire Brotherhood.
DV Staff: Is there any evidence of Halcyon still being in our area of space?
Grand Master Cotelin: None, but there is no evidence to the contrary either.
DV Staff: Are there any official plans to find him?
Grand Master Cotelin: I have none. I have left that to the Council members. I don’t have the time nor the patience to deal with the wretch.
DV Staff: What is being done to ensure nothing like this is happening again?
Grand Master Cotelin: I am in control of my Dark Council. Nothing like this will happen again.
DV Staff: There have been some whispers assuming that the Halcyon affair wouldn't have happened if the Council had not been so involved with infighting. What's your take on this?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: I think that many within the Brotherhood fail to realize Halcyon's experience in the Brotherhood prior to his placement on the Council. Indeed, his true nature was masked to us, but I would hazard a guess to say that he may not be as pure as he claims - I myself witnessed a great deal of anger in him during sessions of the Council. There were times when he was part of many of the disagreements that always occur within the Council. As for infighting - When Dark Jedi are collected in an area, infighting is expected by our very nature. Did it mask Mike's presence from the Grand Master? I don't think so, as I believe that the true distractions came from the lack of a Grand Master and the virus that spread so rapidly through our ranks. Halcyon was involved in all of it, anyway, and as such we were able to study his behavior and actions... And I, at least, have come to the conclusion that there is more to this man than we know as of yet...
DV Staff: Some also say a Jedi Master on the Council shows a worrying weakness of the Grand Master and his Deputy. Aside from those members having a shortened life expectancy, do you think there is a tendency of insurrection?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: Halcyon's rise to the power took place in a very turbulent time within the Brotherhood. It is true that his 'true nature' came as a surprise to me, but I think most of us would agree there was always something peculiar about the former Lord Marshal. As towards the Brotherhood as a whole, there is a natural tendency towards thoughts of superiority over others, regardless of obvious power of those above you. With this, comes a tendency for insurrection, yes... but, well, we all know were insurrection against the Grand Master will get you. *chuckles* I don't feel that there is any more tendency for insurrection now than in the past, though.
DV Staff: Were security procedures already changed so Halcyon's knowledge of internal affairs will not hurt us further?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: Each Councilor works largely separate from another. Halcyon's knowledge of internal affairs pertained to his office; that office no longer exists. Certainly, access codes, procedures, time tables and many other security details had to be modified with his defection, but much of the central functioning of the Brotherhood was unaffected, at least structurally.
DV Staff: On to other things - most Clans have set up impressive domains in Brotherhood space, and there is lots of wealth involved. Rumours have it that there are plans to tax Clans regularly instead of demanding material and money just when needed. Is there any truth to that?
Grand Master Cotelin: I will take what I need from the clans, and they will like it. But seriously, I have no idea what you are talking about. Things here will continue as normal.
DV Staff: Some Clans still have single Order Houses, and they work. Why do you think this is?
Grand Master Cotelin: They work because they have competant leaders who do their jobs. So much of a success is not the structure behind you, but the leaders behind you. A great leader will do what needs be done when it needs be done.
DV Staff: Part of your duty is to observe the Clans and their progress or lack thereof. How do you judge the performance at present?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: The vast majority of Clans are making strong progress on a variety of fronts. There have been a few bumps along the way, but the expansion of the Clans and the development of their individual home systems has certainly granted a great deal of stability. We will, of course, continue to take the proper steps to ensure each Clan's stability and prosperity.
DV Staff: Most Clans are resentful towards Taldryan because they keep winning their battles and even most friendly competitions. But instead of adapting and learning from them, there is cursing and badmouthing, even talk of favouritism. Do you have any words to the Clans about this unproductive behaviour?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: A certain amount of directed anger at Taldryan is not only expected but if used correctly can also be very productive and useful to these Clans... They would be wise to learn from their opponents and adapt, utilizing their hatred to fuel their own efforts. That is not to say that the way in which Taldryan operates is the only successful strategy at use in the Brotherhood; our clans employ different methods of leadership successfully across many Clans. I believe that Taldryan's dominance will be tested soon, and perhaps even broken. Only time will tell...
DV Staff: If two Clans were to feud now, which of them would you like to get involved?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: Border conflicts between neighboring systems are on the rise as Clans vie for strategic resources. Words of anger have been exchanged between many of the Clans, and threats of war always weigh heavily in any dealings I oversee between the Seven Clans. The upcoming Independence Games may stall these hostilities, but I have no doubt that a war is on the horizon, but it is not yet clear to me who is involved...
DV Staff: This year, there have been major conflicts with outside involvement - first the events around what lead to the Great Jedi War, and then the K'hamar'an issue. Does this worry you?
Grand Master Cotelin: Has there ever been a time in our history when there wasn’t a conflict? I personally have never known peace. It is not in our nature.
DV Staff: Do you think the Orders are balanced out in strength at this point?
Grand Master Cotelin: Yes, I do. I see the strength in all three orders, and I foresee that it will stay that way.
DV Staff: The Dark Hall and surounding buildings are mostly finished, and now a few members have expressed their desire for a large temple of all Orders. What's your thought on this?
Deputy Grand Master Telaris Cantor: We have a variety of construction projects underway, but our priorities are on the completion of all current projects before undertaking any additional large-scale work. In the mean time, we are increasing archaeological research on the ancients temples here on Antei, and many are undergoing renovation so that we might use them again in the near future.
DV Staff: What is, in your eyes, the greatest achievement in the last 12 months?
Grand Master Cotelin: In the last twelve months I am not sure, but I do know what I am the most proud of since I took Grand Master. That is the stability of the Dark Council. We seldom lose leaders to the abyss, and the leaders we have are doing an excellent job. I don’t recall a time in my Brotherhood career that there hasn’t been someone on the DC with their head on a chopping block. There is no one now, and there hasn’t been for some time.
DV Staff: We thank our leaders for the interview. There is certainly a lot ahead for all of us.
By Arania
Shortly after the ritual of transfer, the Dark Voice Staff and both the old and new High Priestess enjoyed the temple's brightly lit ritual preparation room. Arania Lawakiro was also present. Alanna and Telona Murrage were sitting in the middle of the room, while Lawakiro was placed somewhat to Alanna's right. Everyone looked confident, and there was an aura in the room we were not quite able to place. But this might have been due to the fact that two low-ranked males were facing three high-ranked females. The position of High Priestess has mostly been in the hands of women - although we have had some famous male High Priests.
Upon questioning the reason for this, the women just chuckled. "Maybe males are usually not able to think scientifically," the new High Priest joked, "...all too set on battle and glory." It was obvious she was making a joke, but we wonder if there was a point to it anyway.
With the times of change, the Brotherhood never stagnating anymore as it used to, the responsibilities of a High Priestess have changed significantly. There was a real difference to the job compared to the times when Lawakiro held the position. Asked about this, Alanna nodded. "But it is not harder. In fact, it makes work easier."
Murrage agreed. "I will not have to worry as much about whose toes I accidentally or not so accidentally step on."
The procedures inside Clans had changed somewhat, too. "You will go back to Taldryan. Do you think being part of a Clan will be different for you after having serving on the Council?" we wanted to know from Alanna.
"Well, yes and no. The Clan will have changed, of course, but I imagine much will have remained the same. I'm certainly looking forward to easy ice-cream access again! But for myself personally, yes. I should think that I will see the Clan differently now that I have had close contact with the other Clans for so long. Certainly, to begin with, I intend to work independently; but, over time I hope to assimilate with my former clan mates once more, and I rather hope I will find myself slipping back into Ektrosis as if I never left."
Some Krath will definitely not like Alanna to go back to a generally hated Clan. But she is not worried about that. "They hate Taldryan for their own, usually envy-based, reasons. To me, it's home. Besides, if the Clans all loved each other, we'd lose our grip on the Dark Side." There was no arguing about that, of course.
Another question pressed the general membership. "There are talks of you planning to follow the traces of the K'hamar'ans and that's why you were resigning. Any truth to that?"
Alanna smiled. "I have stepped down as KHP with the intention of spending more of my time pursuing personal interests. Whilst I was very happy as KHP, the paperwork does tend to make you forget what the words 'free time' mean! Oh...don't look so worried Telona - I'm only joking... honest..."
"As to the K'hamar'ans, well, that area of research would be rather dangerous. It would be a difficult path for anyone to follow." Alanna smiled and glanced at Arania. She refused to elaborate any further.
Besides having performed the ritual, why was Arania present right now? "I'm in the High Priest's Royal Guard, you forgot?" We were sure they were hiding something, but we didn't feel in the position to press any further.
To some, Telona was the natural choice of KHP - others were not expecting this at all. Was Telona herself surprised to be picked as next KHP? "A bit yes. I haven't been in the Clan summit for very long so yeah, it was a bit of a surprise when they picked me." The woman answered thoughtfully.
What will change in the office? "I've got some projects I'll be working on to hopefully make being a part of the Krath order a better experience. We Krath are more than just books and writing. I intend to unlock that hidden potential." Telona spoke the last sentence darkly. "But until then there won't be any changes from the norm for a while." She smiled. "But let me make one thing clear -- our Order color is purple, not pink. I'll tolerate respective remarks even less than my predecessors."
Alanna's and Arania's chuckles confused us as to how serious this remark was, but we advise everyone not to refer to the Krath as pink, at least for a while.