Dark Voice Staff
Editor in Chief:
Priest Charon Lorccan "Ziltopia" Blathnat
Praetor to the Oracle
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Dark Jedi Master Sith Bloodfyre Tarentae
Dark Side Adept Acxodim "DV" Pyralis
Dark Side Adept Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Epis Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Battlemaster Shadowhawk
Sith Warrior Knight Macron Goura
Jedi Hunter Revenant "Caligula" Mandalore
Guardian Qiw Nuron
The following is a statement from Grand Master Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, issued to the Dark Voice Staff for inclusion in this newsletter.
Victory is ours!
My brethren, for three years we have stood so close to the fertile ground of Antei but have not taken it as our own. We resisted the temptation to invade, choosing instead to mass our forces for a future conquest. It was unforeseen that the armies of Antei would attack us first, but as always, the Brotherhood has triumphed.
Glory is ours!
I am honored to have led the charge. I am honored to have fought with so many brave Jedi. I am honored that so many gave their lives in the pursuit of the Final Way. The battle was not easy. We had our setbacks, but we rode through them. When the full might of the Brotherhood is advanced at a single goal, we are unstoppable.
Antei is ours!
The Surrender of Korind just days ago marked the first time in thousands of years that the Star Chamber has held complete control over this planet. The Brotherhood may now move freely from the Shadowlands without moving in secret. We will work to further our foundations in this system by acquiring the resources surrendered to us by our enemies. Their people will work toward our goals, and our glory here will be everlasting.
I have ordered the establishment of regional governments in each of Antei’s continents. The Deputy Grand will be assuring that the transitions go smoothly. The Master At Arms has already begun the conversion of their armies, and the Herald is working on the conversion of the population at large. We will work and strive that the entire world of Antei is finally charged with the growth of the Brotherhood.
I am proud today of our great Brotherhood. You have all done well.
In Darkness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Surrender of Korind brings a unified Antei
Plains of Kretamin, Korind
One could not help but cringe at the stench that permeated the air over the Plains of Kretamin. The dead bodies from the battle were fresh; the smell of lightsaber-singed flesh was strong. The battle had been long, but with a single swipe of his blade, Grand Master Jac Cotelin accepted the surrender of his enemies. As the head of the Korindian Consulate fell to the ground, control of Antei transferred to the Brotherhood.
There were very few Korindian soldiers who survived the battle. Those that did were not unscathed; many were missing limbs. The living were lined up and searched physically and mentally. The Master At Arms oversaw the process and explained it to the Dark Voice correspondent.
“The Grand Master has directed me to clean out this army, and that is what I intend to do. Each soldier will be disarmed and an Equite will sense for any signs of discontent. Those that seem willing to fight at the first opportunity will be killed. The others will be brainwashed and sent back into the cities to help wrestle down the population.”
The Master at Arms explained that, at first, many soldiers were killed, but that the others began to wise up at the end. “They all know who their masters are now.”
We are told that sixteen of the seventy-two target cities are now under full Brotherhood control with the other cities expected to be fully converted by the month’s end.
Dark Covenant Nears Ratification
The Dark Voice staff has been following the development of the Dark Covenant for the past year. Recent leaks from the Dark Council staff members lead us to believe that the Covenant itself is nearing ratification. We have been informed that until ratified, the Covenant is not official in any capacity. Ratification requires a three-fourths vote of the Consuls, Dark Council members and Grand Master.
It has been revealed that a serious point of contention over the Covenant has been the newly-revised judicial code. With some members of the council favoring less protection for the accused, the argument became heated when an Appeals Panel was introduced as a proposal. No word has been given as to whether this proposal has made it into the final version.
The Dark Voice received only a short comment from the office of the Grand Master. Unfortunately, that comment happened to precede the beheading of our correspondent, so we are unable to publish it here.
By: Revenant "Caligula" Mandalore
Some of you may be aware that the Grand Master himself, Darth Jac Cotelin, recently ordered the invasion of Korind, a small country on the sunside of Antei. As Commander of Sapphire Squadron, I, Revenant, led my Battleteam alongside the Night Falcons who were flying under their commander Magnus “Lucius” Mandalore in a spearhead aerial attack.
Sapphire Squadron led the attack, passing along the southern coast destroying key installations such as surface to air weapons platforms, power generators, and sensor arrays. These attacks were carried off swiftly and efficiently with a minimum of local casualties and no damage to my squadron. The sensors and weapons platforms were unmanned and the power plant was operating with a skeleton crew. There was no resistance.
The final target, however, was the shield generator. Workers at this facility took it upon themselves to fight back. A few bold individuals opened fire on my squad with some form of rocket propelled grenade launcher and ion weaponry but to no effect. The small rebellion was crushed along with the shield generator. The loss of civilian life is regrettable, but they were foolish enough to oppose the will of the Grand Master.
With the shield down, Commander Lucius was able to lead his squadron, the Night Falcons, in a direct assault on the capital city. Factories known for supplying weapons and munitions as well as certain administrative facilities were targeted.
A few Z-95 fighters were scrambled by Korind’s defence forces. Sapphire Squadron remained on hand to offer support, but the Korindans’ scant air force was little match for the superior skill and craft of Commander Lucius’s pilots.
The mission went off quickly and, perhaps more importantly, smoothly. With the exception of the small resistance displayed by the staff at the shield generator, there were no mishaps at all. However, this was just an advance attack. With Korrind’s defence forces weakened, supplies diminished, and capital thrown into chaos, the path has been paved for the Grand Master’s full invasion force.
By: Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Antei, 0600 hrs.
A strange twist occurred yesterday in the ongoing battle between Brotherhood and Korindian forces when the Dark Lord of the Sith, Grand Master Jac Cotelin himself took the field to contribute to the massacre of the unsuspecting Korindian. However, despite cutting a swathe through the massed ranks of his opponents, Lord Cotelin was soon outnumbered and in danger of being pulled down by the melee.
This was the cue for the timely intervention of the Grand Master's Royal Guard, led by Commander of the Guard Khobai Wrathraven, as they sliced through the mob in order to find and protect Lord Cotelin. A crowd of scarlet spectres gathered around Lord Cotelin as he regained his composure, then launched an attack on the crowds of fighters outside the ring of crimson.
Cotelin had moved away from his protectors at the outset of the battle, sucked in by bloodlust and eager to sever Korindian heads from their shoulders. As they had fought to catch up with them, the squadron of twenty guardsmen came across an Obelisk brigade of thirty soldiers, pinned down by a hail of fire from roughly two hundred surrounding Korindian marksmen. Calling upon their skill in combat and their affinity with the Force, several of the Guardsmen swiftly dispatched the marksmen and liberated the brigade, allowing them to continue their search for the Dark Lord.
Guard Members practicing prior to the Battle of Antei Submitted by Qiw Nuron With the nearby enemies beaten back by the teamwork and combat finesse of the Guard, Lord Cotelin took the opportunity to order an assault on the Korindian leadership. The battle having turned heavily against the Korindians, Commander Wrathraven volunteered the Guard to undertake the task, sending cadres of Guardsmen in secret towards the Korindian Headquarters.
With little effort the Guard managed to infiltrate the headquarters, making their way systematically through the bowels of the base to the central command room – despite the presence of several hundred Korindian Elite guarding the headquarters, a cadre of four Guardsmen managed to overpower them all, moving to the command centre. Once there, they engaged in an orgy of brutal slaughter sure to delight the heart of any Darksider. Such a decisive blow all but ended the battle – the only remaining task for the forces of the Brotherhood was finishing off the fleeing Korindians and destroying their temporary settlements and base camps.
Lord Cotelin himself praised the efficiency and courage of the Grand Master's Royal Guard in this statement:
"When I got pulled down things were starting to get a little tricky, although I could have handled it. Nevertheless, the Guard saved me from having to dirty my hands with such a menial chore. And their invasion of the Korindian base was pretty impressive. I wish to extend my thanks to Commander Wrathraven for the efficiency of his Guardsmen.
Once again, the Grand Master's Royal Guard seem to have fulfilled their mandate, and routed the attacking Korindian forces in the process.
By: Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Tarentum currently finds itself engaged in a fierce fight with enemy forces. The enemy, consisting of standard New Republic infantry and a small number of Jedi, has been engaged on a small moon where it is rumored that an ancient Sith War Sword, capable of standing up to lightsabers, has been hidden since the end of Exar Kun's campaign against the old Jedi Order. The blade was stolen by an ambitious Sith apprentice. He was pursued, but managed to escape. There is evidence of an extinct warrior based society on the planet which permitted the young Sith to blend into the society. According to legend, the blade can only be wielded by those who are truly trained in the ways of the Force and who are filled with consistent and true anger. Those who are not capable of yielding the blade will be burned severely by merely touching the sword.
New Dark Voice Senior Editor
Dark Hall, Antei
With the resignation of Oberst as Senior Editor of the Dark Voice, Trevarus Caerick departed on an extensive search to find a replacement. He did not have to search hard to find one.
The new editor of the Dark Voice Newsletter is Priest Charon Lorccan "Ziltopia" Blathnat. Ziltopia has extensive journalistic experience and will be able to find a good direction for this publication. The Staff is pleased to have her on board.
While many of Tarentum's members are involved with the hunt for the sword, or at a minimum, involved in eliminating the enemy, others are undergoing training in preparation for conflicts that may arise. This training includes saber dueling, blaster combat, space fighting, independent and group combat, and even training in research methods to improve their skills at being able to discover the weaknesses of their enemies and exploit them.
By SW Mononoke “Macron” Keibatsu-Goura
In the various Star wars books and articles written currently, there are numerous references to droids designed or used by Dark Siders – there are examples of Dark droids in Star Wars literature abound. These droids vary in mission – from simple reconnaissance operations to full-scale war. A unifying thread with these constructs is their ability to get the job done with little or no risk to their living masters.
Dark Siders are notorious for using their droids for combat. The skeletal Sith War droids that slew Jedi Master Arca Jeth on Deneba at the behest of Satal and Aleema Keto are a classic example (DSS, 121). The HK-47 droid created by Revan is a fine example of droids used for combat as well (KOTOR).
Dark Voice Christmas Competition!
By: Shadowhawk
We were making my Christmas list, and there was an accident. The names and the gifts were mixed up! Can you help us match them?
The names are:
DA Axodim “DV” Pyralis
Exarch Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
DA Corran Halcyon Arconae
GM Firefox
GM Jac Cotelin
DJM Khameir Sarin
DA Kir Taldrya Katarn
DA Shadow Taldrya
Primarch Sithspawn
DA Spears Tarentae
And here are the presents:
A black top hat
A new sniper blaster-rifle
The death of the light jedi Mike Halcyon
A vibrating female dark jedi doll
A karaoke Holocron
A rug made of Ewok fur for the bedroom
A Sith Holocron detailing the usage of Illusionary Sith Sorcery
A stuffed animal that strongly resembles Mav
A shiny new shuttle with a good supply of tuna sandwiches
The most wonderful woman in the universe – “wait, I already have that!”
Successful matching of the gift to the person will receive a Crescent! Send entires to DVStaff@darkjedibrotherhood.com
Some of the Sith droids, like the security type, incorporated blaster resistant alchemical light armor while also sporting an array of weapons (SWRPGRR). The security and war droid types also had a unique delivery system akin to the one used by the Arakyd Viper in Episode Five. They were dropped from orbit into target areas (SWRPGRR).
Interrogation and torture is another function. The IT-0 interrogation droid used by Darth Vader on his own daughter Leia was based off of an earlier ancient Sith design (EPIV, SWRPGRR). The IT series was later upgraded, and the more formidable and intelligent IT-3 droid was the result. Admiral Isard was responsible for this development. (DSS, 64). The original IT-0 was silent (SWRPGRR), but the later model speaks in a pleasant tone as it does its nasty work.
The IT-0 droids are fully capable of monitoring life functions and detecting chemical weaknesses in their subjects. They contain syringes, scalpels, cutting arcs, forceps, electroshock probes, sonic warblers, power shears. and a plethora of chemicals. The array of chemicals can include Sith poison. (DSS, 63) These gleaming half-meter balls of black Durite struck fear into the hearts of their many victims.
Reconnaissance was a favorite theme among Dark Droids. Dark Siders also used these Recon Droids. Examples would be the Arakyd Viper probot used by Darth Vader and the Empire on Hoth. This droid had superior reconnoitering abilities and a complex information burst and coding system (EPV).
Lucas refers to the Dark Eyes used by Darth Maul as “Sith Probe droids” as well, showing their Dark origins. These could monitor targets and gather information effectively. They also incorporated a scan-resistant alchemical coating designed to foil electronic scans (Lucas Online, EPI).
In short, droids are part of the repertoire of many Dark Siders, and serve as useful tools. After all, you can trust a droid not to turn on you, unlike an Apprentice.
By Sith Bloodfyre
I have often pondered, as of late, the nature of my relationship to the Dark Side. We know of the Jedi, that our weaker counterparts would say that they follow, or abide by the “will of the Force.” They see their destiny according to what the Force has in store for them, and what the pathetic Light chooses to place upon them. Their fates, their fortunes, their weaknesses, their miseries, all a product of the Force if you believe what they say.
And yet, is the Dark Side my master? Is the Dark Side that which decides my future, and shapes me to it? Am I nothing more than a pawn of its whims and flights of fancy? We know that the Dark Side is a capricious mistress. She may gift you with her powers very easily when she must tempt you, or she may deny her gifts completely if you are no longer of use. Why is this? Does the Dark Side truly hold power over you, or is there perhaps another answer to this question?
I would submit that the Force is what you allow it to be. If you allow the Force to guide your thoughts, your actions, your very life, it will be just that -- the guiding force of your existence. If you choose to allow the Force to be your master, and to give you its gifts whenever it chooses, then it will be that capricious mistress who will delight in your defeats as much as she might find cause to revel in your victories. If you allow the Force that control, you are no longer the master of your being.
But if you keep that control, and force the master’s path to be your own; if you make the Force your servant, and bend it to your will; if you are the dominant force in your own destiny, then you are truly a power to be respected and feared in the universe. If you can learn the secrets of indomitable will, and maintain control over every fiber of your being, then you have become what few others can even comprehend. If you possess the power to have the Dark Side at your beck and call…
Then my friend; you have become a god.
The followings remarks have been prepared by the Editor-in-chief and her staff or have been mailed in by members. The Dark Voice welcomes comment and opinions from the readers, all such errata can be sent directly to the Dark Voice Staff. The Dark Voice does not promise to print all opinions and comments it receives, and reserves the right to publish as it sees fit. All bibliographies and works cited are available for perusal by contacting the Dark Voice Staff. Inquiries will be entertained with the utmost seriousness.
Dear Editor,
In response to your previous editorial: no one cares if you think Warbanners should be called “standards.”
Dear Editor,
Your defense of Grand Master Chi-Long is strong. Strong, that is, if you are ignorant of the facts that led to his departure. This administration tapped Chi-Long for service in Clan Exar Kun and gave him every resource that he needed to bring success to a faltering clan. He did so.
However, with his leadership came his personal battles. Chi-Long demanded that his enemies be expelled without any regard for our Judicial system. He provided no proof from which the administration could base the expulsion of his detractors; he refused to wait for the system to run its course, and he left when he did not get his way.
You accuse the administration of failing to provide “firm, direct and clear leadership,” yet you chide them for following the very rules that are at our foundation. All members deserve fair justice. No service to our august organization gives a member the right to circumvent procedures put in place since the Exodus. Not even a Grand Master has that right.
Following the established rules and not bending to the will of any member’s unjust demands is exactly the type of firm and direct leadership this organization needs.
On Sith Bloodfyre
The Dark Voice Staff has recently learned that Sith Bloodfyre has stepped down from the position of Sith High Warrior. This comes as a shock to many; Bloodfyre has been one of the pillars of a strong Dark Council. It is of the opinion of this staff that his legacy will live on as one of the greatest High Warriors in history.
Bloodfyre led his office with courage and conviction mixed with humor to confuse the hell out of you. We are not sure what is going to become of the Council without his debates, his wise-cracks, his wisdom, and his friendship.
We know this much: Sith Bloodfyre, you will be missed.
On the Dark Council
Over the last decade, the Dark Council has housed over 20 unique titles of varying responsibility and power. Some of these titles are common knowledge, having endured since the founding of the organization – like the Grand Master, Headmaster, or Herald. Other offices, however, were fashioned to honor those Elders who had risen to become advisors of great vision and power within the Brotherhood. The position of Lord Chamberlain was one such office. The influence these individuals carried was unknown to many – their role in the Dark Council shrouded in mystery.
The founders painted upon the seeds of time a body of administrators, luxurious and powerful, who would lead us to greater things. Their motives would not be questioned – their productivity would not be explained. Their vision would not be matched. However, the Dark Council of today hardly functions as it was once designed.
Like the stout list of Council Praetors, Magistrates, and other auxillary assistants that until recently plagued us, the Dark Council has been seeing its share of inefficiencies within the last couple years. Positions of merit which had meaning in our great past no longer serve useful purpose within our organization. Councillor positions created or restored for seemingly deserving people have since lost their meaning.
Like its body of assistants, the Dark Council has become bloated. It has failed to pursue its essentialist mission. The Dark Council is a dynamic body of advisors and assistants to the Dark Lord of Sith. Who is worthy to serve among its ranks is decided by the demands of the Grand Master, the changing needs of the membership, and the evolving identity of the organization.
Lofty, complacent councilmen have no place. Perpetrators of the status-quo will not be tolerated. These men hold mere positions. They are empty titles without purpose. Positions without purpose have no future within the Dark Brotherhood. Dark Councilmen who walk astray, beware.
The Dark Council is the administrative body which directs the reform and evolution of this organization. Dark Councilmen are those who stand up, take the hammer, and begin shaping the stones which form the path of tomorrow. They mold the Final Way. They actively pursue those projects which will shape our infrastructure today and provide for our future tomorrow. There is no room for relaxation – no room for dereliction.
Do your job, or risk a rolling head.
Copy of roster as of 12/3/2005 kept for historical purposes
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