Dark Voice Staff
Editor in Chief:
Overlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
Praetor to the Oracle
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Dark Jedi Master Xanos Zorrixor
Dark Adept Cyris Oscura
Pontifex Saitou
Epis Denath Ciarus
Dark Jedi Knight Macron Goura
Dark Jedi Knight Zadious
The following is a statement from Grand Master Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, issued to the Dark Voice Staff for inclusion in this newsletter.
Disciples of Darkness,
News has reached the Dark Hall of a great secession in our old territories in and around Eos. As Lord Firefox prophesized so long ago, the failure of our former ally, the Emperor’s Hammer, to adjust its ways not only led to our exodus, but it has also led to the dissolution of many more glorious alliances. Even now, the Bounty Hunter’s Guild and others on the fringe of the Hammer’s territories leave to gain success elsewhere. The once glorious Empire of Ronin has crumbled.
I take this news to heart, as I hear of my former home being forsaken. The crimes committed in our time there have not been forgotten; one must always be mindful of the past. Now many of our friends return to ally with us once again; we must still strive to teach the lessons taught to us by our own exodus to those who have yet to see the true path ahead of them. I welcome home those who join us now, and plead to those who have not to look at their blind ways. The mistakes will be repeated if not learned from.
The Dark Brotherhood will do all it can for our new friends and allies. Their success adds to our strength, and even at this time when we struggle to control our own territories, we can lend our support to them, in the expectation that our deeds will be repaid in kind. The conquest of the sunside is important, but this opportunity to establish rapport with new allies only comes once. I urge all clans to help where they can.
I realize the endeavors that are being undertaken now. With the conquest of Antei on hold, and our Obelisk forces engaged in long battles, it is hard to imagine any time or resources left for the furthering of other causes. The will is still present though. We will find a way to bring about our own goals while assisting in the rebuilding efforts of those who have left the Hammer.
Until the final day of the light, our work is never done.
In Darkness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Dark Side Compendium undergoing radical development
Dark Hall: Antei—At a press conference held in the late hours of the evening, Senior Dark Councilor and Oracle, Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Caerick announced the complete restructuring of all archives of the Brotherhood, including the Compendium of the Brotherhood.
Currently, the Compendium of the Dark Side is a small Holocron encompassing a single Gatekeeper of unknown identity offering simple instruction and information to the newly inducted Journeymen of the Brotherhood. Experienced Brethren, due to the simplicity of its contents, infrequently access this record.
The Oracle elaborated on his plans: “The Compendium is outdated and wholly inarticulate to any genuine researcher of the Final Way. A singular point of reference is needed to offer a complete catalogue of all current knowledge, and the teachings of the Elders will be gathered into a new Holocron to allow this access.” When asked if the new Compendium would include references to the most obscure and detailed knowledge of the Final Order, the Oracle refused to elaborate, saying: “Documents will be made as necessary”.
To aide in this new compilation, the Dark Council has authorized the reformation of the Order of the Last Scroll, an ancient cabal of scholars and archaeologists who scour the galaxy seeking lore forgotten or abandoned. Notable researchers will be invited to serve as Gatekeepers and archivists, under the direction of the Oracle to maintain and preserve the newly assembled body of knowledge.
A draft of the new structure was offered for review, and the most notable changes are a severe detail of the historic structures of the formal proceedings of the Brotherhood’s ceremonies and esoteric practices. Rituals such as the Grand Emanation of the Emerald Daggers are explained in terms of historical significance, while other more mundane aspects, such as histories of the Dark Council and its composition are catalogued for the first time.
“My goal is to offer all students the Final Way a new tool for deeper research.” Master Caerick concluded.
Clan Taldryan Stages Training Exercise
Clan Naga Sadow sharply criticizes maneuvers
Karafr: Kr’Tal System: The Summit of Clan Taldryan announced the successful completion of Training Operation 3.08 on Atheron of the Urias System. The harsh jungle terrain of this obscure world in the liege of Clan Naga Sadow provided the Clan ample grounds for proving military tactics and refining combat skill.
Xanos Sadow, Consul of Clan Naga Sadow accused Clan Taldryan of trespass on the Clan’s territory, and for planning a later assault on the holdings of his Clan. Katarn shrugged off his accusations by reminding the Brethren that Clan Taldryan has recently put down a pirate band known for preying on their holdings. The Operation was completed with Dark Council sanction, against the protests of the Summit Clan Naga Sadow.
Shortage of Obelisk Marked as Cause
“Incompetence” was the word used to describe General Fr’Leko’s recent blunders on the surface of Antei. “Only one word comes to mind here: incompetence,” explained Korras van Dratio in a recent interview with the Dark Voice. “General Fr’Leko has two simple tasks. First, establish forces consisting of Sith and Krath with the talent and skill necessary to destroy the Korindians. Second, destroy the Korindians. This man acted surprised when I told him of my acquisition of the Obelisk forces he had on hand.” Korras explained to the Dark Voice that he knew for some time that Obelisk forces would not be usable in the battles on the ground and that despite his attempts to plan otherwise, his field commanders simply failed to procure enough soldiers from the other orders.
The Dark Council was set to attempt to overtake the Korindians on their own land. The Dark Brotherhood has held the Korind Potentates’ forces at the Du’san boundary with little or no effort for some time now. The Grand Master had instructed the soldiers to begin preparation to overtake the Korindians on their own land, but the sudden departure of the Obelisk forces left the Dark Council short handed. When asked whether the delay was foreseen, the Dark Council spokesman refused to comment.
The Obelisk High Commander has assured his still-living commanders that when the Obelisk return, the conquest of Antei’s sunside will commence. “Victory is guaranteed.” Unfortunately for him, General Fr’Leko is no longer alive to see such a victory.
News come awkwardly from the Herald’s office. In the previous months, the Warbanners, meant to replace the former Grant of Arms, were divulged to the Brotherhood. In the ensuing days, it was then announced that the replacement of current holders would commence with the Dark Jedi Masters and descend in ranks accordling. The Dark Staff, after taking notice in the lack of development, met with Cyris Oscura, the Herald’s praetor, to question him.
Seal of Memories Awarded for participation in the 5th Great Jedi War There was a stiff, uneasy cold when we met him. He claimed that the lack of response from the Elders left a staggering scar in the Warbanner’s development and blatantly blamed the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy. Obviously infuriated by the slowness of the project, he explained that “I pricked myself once too many while designing the Warbanners to take this lack of response with anything but spite. [...] Still I’m confident that development will resume ASAP and that the office will move on to the next stages of production. Its too bad for Masters who failed to respond.”
When asked to specify on the next stages he explained to the Dark Voice staff that the original plan was to skip over the members who’d failed to respond and move to the Dark Side Adepts. Herald Mandaala and Praetor Oscura are currently discussing whether to start from the bottom and work their way up instead, as it would quicken the pace.
In other news, Cyris Oscura did not fail to boast his work on a new wave of medals and on the redesign of the Dark Brotherhood’s HoloNet interface. He claims to spend most of his time holed-up in his palace on Velrahn II, either in the forge or on the computer. He was kind enough to supply a quick preview of the seals.
The Dark Voice staff has obtained information and updates from Clan Scholae Palatinae from Pontifex Saitou. The Clan was unable to report much advancement on the battlefield of Coratua IV. Suspicions of sabotage to their Century (TIE) Tanks have hindered their initial advancement, but are no longer projected as a long-term problem. Clan leaders have projected greater strides now that the vehicles have undergone field repairs. CSP’s grassy knoll outpost has meanwhile been secured by the clan’s three Juggernauts.
Saitou also commented on the recent changes in the summit of the clan. “Archpriest Timbal has taken over the position of Consul,” informed the Pontifex. “The Grand Master has expressed his confidence in the appointment, and the Clan is readily waiting for his leadership.” The former Consul, Vally Tamalar left the clan this past month. There were further changes in the clan as the summit of House Acclivis Draco shifts following Kschamehellan’s resignation. Mune Isradia, former Aedile, takes his place as Quaestor and has accepted Priest Braecen Isradia as his successor.
The Dark Voice staff also learned of new plans with regard to the clan’s communications systems. Due to the increasing presence of non-clan membership on the CSP communications interlink, increased security measures are being instated. All members have been instructed to visit the clan’s security site to receive information concerning them. The summit has directed that sensitive matters should be taken to more secure channels and that personal awareness is paramount. They ask that should a member witness any suspicious actions – report them to clan security at once.
Status Update on Clan Tarentum
With the ongoing Rite of Supremacy, getting concrete information regarding Clan Tarentum’s overall status has been trying. With a few well-placed contacts and some “persuasive measures,” however, this reporter was able to sit down briefly with Reiko Corsair Tarentae, the Clan’s Consul.
“We’re doing quite well,” said the Consul over a glass of brandy. “Our scouts report those weak-minded Taldryans are on the move, but I challenge them to meet our forces head on and feel the true meaning of the Dark Side,” he added with an obligatory spit on the ground.
As for specifics, Corsair was ominously silent. “I’d prefer not to discuss that for security reasons” was the operative word of the day. However, Corsair echoed the sentiment of all of the Clan’s administrative staff: “Every last member Clan Tarentum has been pivotal in getting us this far in our conflict, and I salute those few who have fallen in battle. Those who pass into the Force fighting for our supremacy will have a personal gravesite on their battlefields, and any family they have will be neither liquidated nor used for any… ‘experiments.’”
The Warlord added with a slight chuckle, “Of course, this policy applies only during the current conflict.”
By RevengeX
Coratua IV – As the Dark Brotherhood’s forces attack the opposition’s numerous droids and ships, clans are slowly taking control of the enemy’s headquarters and supply depots. Most noticeable is Clan Taldryan’s recent intrusion into Clan Scholae Palatinae’s land, not seeming to care if different pirates or different clans own the land. Clan Taldryan is currently leading in the number of areas that the clan controls, and has also recently invaded Arcona.
This battle between the Dark Brotherhood and the Pirates is more and more becoming a war against the clans for resources and droids.
I have also been able to tag along with a few groups of soldiers from Clan Scholae Palatinae, reporting on what they have to say. The first question is directed to Dark Jedi Knight Xan, one of CSP’s key figures in the fighting.
RevengeX: |
what’s happening in the battle so far for CSP? |
Xan |
The competition is fierce; there are so many different people to battle its crazy. The clans are giving it their all, and I can’t wait to see who comes out on top. |
RevengeX: |
Thanks Xan. |
Unfortunately, our interview was cut short by an explosion just 20 meters away from us where Xan had to go back and see if his coffee stash was okay. But I managed to get another interview with Epis Strategos, a fighter for Arcona.
RevengeX: |
What's happening in the battle so far for Arcona? |
Strategos |
Actually, things are going better than expected. |
RevengeX: |
How so? |
Strategos |
I myself originally thought we wouldn't really play any role of significance in the whole RoS. With us being the smallest Clan and all... the absence of any real gamers save Wolvie and myself didn't help, either. |
RevengeX: |
But you managed to pull through so far. |
Strategos |
Indeed we have. |
RevengeX: |
Are you amazed or possibly even shocked by that? |
Strategos |
The fact that I haven't been able to play for most of the RoS has been quite a setback to the Clan... but we've managed to survive pretty well. Not shocked. Perhaps a little amazed, but that was only in the initial stages. |
RevengeX: |
Thanks Strat. |
So, as the Rite of Supremacy slowly comes to a close, the competition is getting fiercer. An example of this was CSP’s recent overtaking Arcona in the clan standings. Many have already bet on the winner of the battle. May the Force be with you all.
By DJK Macron Goura
The Cortosis molecule is a fascinating material. Cortosis has unique properties in regards to lightsaber blades, making it a sought after commodity. Cortosis ore in its native state is quite rare.
Cortosis appears as a silvery, reddish, or greenish semi metallic mineral, similar in appearance to pure silicon or antimony. Cortosis is unstable in the presence of explosives, and shatters under stress. Cortosis can be woven into arms and armor, as well as structural elements.
The material has the unique ability to de-harmonize a lightsaber blade, causing it to shut down temporarily. The blade can be re-ignited, but it does take some energy to do so. The mineral matrix of unrefined cortosis ore is damaged by the contact with the blade. A refined version of the ore exists, which is merely resistant to lightsaber blades. However, refined cortosis has fewer impurities and is therefore not as severely affected by the contact.
Scientists working under Emperor Palpatine’s programs have created a synthetic version. It is similar to the refined variety in properties. It is rumored that the Emperor’s Throne was laced with cortosis, as well as some of his Royal Guard’s armor.
Known locales for the occurrence of the natural mineral include Bespin, Niruan, Kintan and Yinchorr. There are other unconfirmed sites as well.
Updates from Naga Sadow
These past few months has seen a great calamity befall the Sons and Daughters of Sadow. The return of Kiln Tobasa led to the Great Houses turning against each another in all out warfare. The resulting Feud was a bloodbath until Kiln Tobasa was finally stopped outside the gates of Sadow Palace and forced out of Orian. We can only hope the Dark Adept does not trouble the Clan again. House Ludo Kressh claimed victory in the unexpected House Feud, settling a long running score with Marka Ragnos, who had won the previous Feud. Unfortunately much of the Great Library of Tarthos was destroyed in the conflict and will take some time to rebuild. Fortunately current reports do not believe any artifacts were lost in the library's destruction. Though the Clan has been unable to tally a full count due to the immediate outbreak of the Obelisk War following the Feud it is expected that the body count for both wars combined is to be particularly high.
The Black Guard has seen itself re-commissioned again following the outcome of the House Feud. It is expected the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy will see another Guard appointed yet again. The Clan has also seen a complete renovation of the Trials of Knighthood with the Clan Summit implementing a series of new tasks to provide a much tougher challenge for future Knights and ensure the Clan is better defended against such threats as Kiln Tobasa in the future. In order to bolster its numbers the Consul has also dispatched a number of additional Envoys to the Outer Rim worlds to scout for potential recruits. Time will tell what benefits this changes may bring.”
Several cultures and traditions have used Cortosis historically. These groups include the Morgukai Nikto warriors, The Chiss, The Sith, Yinchorri, and the Jensaarai.
The Morgukai were known to carry cortosis laced staves, with energy blades somewhat similar to lightsabers on the tips. The Morgukai religion was outlawed by the Emperor shortly after the Clone Wars, and if they now exist it is in secret. The Morgukai mercenaries Tsyr and Bok carried cortosis weaponry.
Many Sith also created Dark Armor that was laced with Cortosis, as well as cortosis swords and vibroblades.
The Yinchorri were known to have cortosis gaunlets. The Jensaarai also fashioned armor with the aspect of cruel predatory animals out of cortosis. The Chiss laced the tunnels in the Hand of Thrawn fortress on Niruan with cortosis as well.
During one interlude in the now infamous Clone Wars, Count Dooku attempted to fashion droids with cortosis laced shells. The Shadow Troopers also posessed cortosis laced armor.
The unique properties of cortosis ore and refined alloys present an intriguing subject of study. Persons obtaining and using the ore can find some advantage against lightsaber blades. The extreme scarcity, remote and dangerous ore localities and difficulty of synthesis make cortosis items very rare.
In light of recent events that have forced a change in Arcona’s leadership, the Dark Voice staff has met with the newly appointed Consul, Denath Ciarus, for an update on Clan happenings. He was quick to explain that retired Consul Halcyon Rokir Arconae and his right hand, Proconsul and Combat Master Dalthid, “abandoned their offices after viewing dismaying revelations from the Book of Shadows.” After some research on the mentioned book, the Dark Voice learned that, supposedly, this artifact was given to Arcona by their first Consul, Nighthawk Ciarus Arconae, and rumored to hold the knowledge and key of events to come. Knowing this book had guided the hands of several Consuls before him, Denath Ciarus was quick to claim it as his own.
At the request of Grand Master Jac Cotelin, the Commander of the Guard Khobai Wrathraven Arconae has been appointed Proconsul – both to observe and to guide his less experienced superior. Echoes within the Dajorra system proclaim the new leaders’ strengths and styles as the sparks that will elevate Arcona to glory long forgotten. New Quaestors and Aediles have also been appointed across the whole Clan.
Recent earthquakes have rocked the surface of Arconae Primus, and have inflicted much damage on Qel-Droma’s installations. Forced to recall a fraction of their troops to handle the repairs and support of the planet, Arcona was left staggering in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, unable to compete with titans such as Taldryan and Tarentum. Reports claim that repairs are still ongoing and that an evacuation has been ordered.
Denath Ciarus concluded with, “A new day has dawned for Arcona, and the sun is warm and bright.”
The followings remarks have been prepared by the Editor-in-chief and his staff. The Dark Voice welcomes comment and opinions from the readers, all such errata can be sent directly to the Dark Voice Staff. The Dark Voice does not promise to print all opinions and comments it receives, and reserves the right to publish as it sees fit. All bibliographies and works cited are available for perusal by contacting the Dark Voice Staff. Inquiries will be entertained with the utmost seriousness.
On "Warbanners"
The recent shift in the Brotherhood from the previous Grant of Arms system to the newly implemented "Warbanners" is certainly a shift away from nearly a decade of tradition and ritae for the Brotherhood. Certainly, the meanings behind the hallmarks of each individual member will change. Where a Grant could theoretically be expanded upon indefinitely and indelibly to signify hallmark after hallmark, honor after honor, ones Standard cannot be so cluttered. And let's face it, regardless of what new name they are given, they are still Standards.
On Chi-Long's Departure
I can honestly say, that after nearly a decade of service, off and on, to the Brotherhood, things change. This is no more apparent in the attitudes and mannerisms of this administration. Where once a much more firm, direct and clear leadership was provided, this administration seems to muddle the lines, double back and take too much effort in appeasing those who have produced so very little for our august organization. In no area was this more apparent than in the recent departure of Grand Master Chi-Long, a man whose work we have used for so long and came to rely upon for just as long. His recent departure in light of horrible mismanagement, and the near impotence (or some would say unwilling light) for the administration to come to the aid of a man who has stood by this organization since he first arrived is very much a bloody nose to this organization. A bloody nose that is well deserved. What next, Brethren? Will we next insult Grand Master Kane and see him depart? Or what of Grand Master Khyron? This is a travesty that smacks of villainy and dishonor.
On the "Conquest of Antei"
For months, the Dark Council has championed their campaign to dominate the planet of Antei. The Dark Brotherhood has been in the system for over two years, but for reasons still unknown, the Dark Council is only now moving to establish complete control of the system. First Firefox, and then Cotelin, both Grand Masters, attempted to infiltrate the other cultures of the planet to take over politically. Upon learning of failure after failure in the political realm, Cotelin has finally taken steps to secure the planet militarily. The steps are only a few years too late.
One would imagine that when the Dark Brotherhood wants to control a planet, it would simply call upon the full forces of the Brotherhood, dominate the battlefield and take control. Instead, the campaign has been plagued by problems of resources and incompetence. The Grand Master refuses to place blame, but really, where was the communication breakdown that let the Obelisk order disperse on their own vendetta when the Brotherhood needed them the most? This humble correspondent is of the firm belief that Lord Cotelin needs to find and rectify the situation immediately. If the blame is to fall on his staff, they need to be replaced. Otherwise, the head of a Dark Council member is needed. Word has reached our office that Korras had nothing to do with the miscommunications – so who was it?
Even then, the Dark Brotherhood should be able to destroy the pitiful armies of Antei with just the Sith and Krath forces. Granted, General Fr’Leko was an accomplished war hero in his time, but Korras was wrong to trust a non-jedi with such large responsibilities. The Sith and Krath were not assembled, and now the Dark Council is reeling from the disintegration of their plans. Another month of waiting now awaits the Dark Brotherhood before the sunside of Antei is ours. This month needs to be used in fixing the problems within this Council – I would hate to see planning such as this in a conquest that was of more importance. Final Order anyone?
By DV Staff
In an effort to more adequately cover events as they unfold in the Brotherhood, the Dark Voice is putting out a call for writers. Interested candidates should e-mail a portfolio containing a sample of their writing to dvstaff@darkjedibrotherhood.com. This portfolio should include the following: two samples of a fiction piece and two samples of non-fiction pieces, a piece written in a journalistic style is a plus. Accepted writers will be notified by June 30th, and will then undergo a short workshop, as necessary to fine-tune their journalistic style.
Copy of roster as of 10/5/2005 kept for historical purposes
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