Dark Voice Staff
Editor in Chief:
Overlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
Praetor to the Oracle
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor
Dark Adept Halcyon Rokir Arconae
Pontifex Telona Murrage
Primarch Shadow Taldrya
Archpriest Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Exarch Korras
Priest Lucien Isradia
Priest Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Warrior Dakari Tamalar
Dark Jedi Knight Macron Goura
Guardian Vodo Biask
The Dark Voice Staff has obtained the following statement from Grand Master Jac Cotelin in regards to the current events on Antei.
Brothers and Sisters,
We have spoken often about the expansion of the Dark Brotherhood into the sunside of Antei. The leaders within the Dark Council moved to invade the political hierarchy of Antei as per my previous orders. As the politicking progressed, the Dark Brotherhood amassed forces with which to solidify control or the planet. Antei was to be ours.
Never in my life have I seen a plan move without fail. Always, there are problems and miscalculations. Even I was unable to foresee the betrayal of the Korindians. I felt the cry of our envoys as their life was taken; yet I did not believe the loss until their lightsabers were brought to our doorstep. Truly, the races on Antei are stronger and more loyal than we expected. Our plan - to ride on the backs of civil war into the lordship of Antei - has not succeeded. Instead, we now face two united nations, each striving to defeat us and claim what is ours by right.
Antei will still be ours. The Korindians and the Anaxan Federation have not the power to stop the full fury of the Brotherhood.
I have ordered the Dark Council to assemble our forces en masse. To the Consuls that have volunteered their forces, I thank you. I await the assistance from others as well. The build up that was established before must be paled next to the force we will use to finish this journey. We will destroy the entire infrastructure of Antei if it comes to that - the sunside must be overtaken.
Their betrayal will be met with their quick defeat.
Fear is our ally; the darkness our lord and master. This planet will return to the rightful owners.
In Darkness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Korind, Antei
Facts still remain murky as to the events that occurred in Korind last week. Despite the best efforts of the Dark Voice staff, the Dark Council has issued no comment in reference to the betrayal aside from a small reference by Lord Cotelin.
Rumors are still about, but the facts seem to point to a failure on the part of the Dark Council to successfully navigate the Korind Potentates’ political structure. The Dark Voice staff has learned that a team of ten Jedi, accompanied by thirty foot soldiers, met the Korindians shortly after they returned from the slaughter of the Harkin Federation. From what we have surmised, the talks between our nations progressed well for some time. The Korindians still believed that we were men from the North Country, Khaleron, due to our language and dress. Experts believe that the Korindian’s discover of our true nature may have led to the slaughter.
Each of the ten blood-soaked lightsabers were returned to our outpost at the Du’san boundary. The Dark Council has refused to divulge the translation of the accompanying declaration, but most believe it to be a declaration of war.
The Betrayal at Korind, as it is being called, is not the first time that the Dark Council has failed to win over a nation. Over a year ago, war broke out between the Brotherhood and the Antaran Columnate under similar circumstances.
Census Called a "Successs"
Since the Exodus, the Dark Council has attempted to remain in contact with as many Jedi and other resources as possible. Naturally, with Antei under the Shroud and Jedi traveling to the far reaches of the galaxy, contact with many of our brothers and sisters is lost. Often, we never hear from those Jedi again.
For this reason, the Dark Council has established a census system. Every two years, the Dark Council sends for word from each of the contacts, hoping to receive some verifiable status in return. Since last census had occurred immediately following the exodus, the Grand Master recently ordered a new accounting of the membership.
Today, the Dark Council is calling the census a resounding success. Kaek, Praetor to the Master at Arms was very pleased. "We didn’t expect to have this many Jedi respond to our call. In fact, we have doubled even the most optimistic Dark Council predictions."
The Dark Brotherhood now knows the status of over one thousand different members. Most analysts had predicted under five-hundred responses. This response, however, is a record for the census, and leaves the Brotherhood in a good position for further conquests.
It can be said with little argument that Emperor Palpatine was the greatest follower of the Dark Side to come into existence in the last few hundred years. Recently recovered transmissions, logs, security video, and various other records can solidly testify to this fact. All knew the Emperor had ruled nearly the entire galaxy but little was known about how he came to power. Now, the almost complete historical recording of his actions is available for the members of the Dark Brotherhood.
As can be seen, Emperor Palpatine did not limit himself to the studies of one or two orders. He took the best qualities of all three and melded them into himself, perhaps the best strategy of all the Dark Lords before him. Of course he had a wealth of Force power at his command just like any great Dark Lord yet it was his incorporation of the strengths from all three Dark Orders that gave Palpatine his edge.
From the Krath he gained the qualities of deception and manipulation. This is easily recognized through his dealings with the Jedi Counsel and the Republic Senate. Not seen as well was his manipulation of individuals to gain political power in the Senate. The best example was his manipulation of the Gungan senator from Naboo. Through this individual, Palpatine gained the support of the Republic Senate and the means to launch his final plans.
From the Sith, Emperor Palpatine gained the qualities of politicking and strategy. His strategies for both the battlegrounds and the Senate chambers go unmatched. The greatest strategy was his ascension to Emperor. It took much foresight, planning, and fantastic politicking to take over with little difficulties. He did it all while standing face to face with the Jedi Masters of the time. That was the best strategic deception ever.
From the Obelisk, the Emperor gained the qualities of a warrior and the understanding of war. His ability to defeat the Jedi Masters that came after him is a testament to his warrior skills. Yet it was his understanding of war that best helped him. With this knowledge he was able to begin building two opposing forces decades before the first battle. It can be speculated that he had planed out all the major clashes between the two armies’ years before they existed.
With all of these qualities put into play, Emperor Palpatine orchestrated the greatest conquering of the known galaxy to date. His understanding of war and warriors lead him to build up two separate armies, his strategic knowledge forced those two armies to battle one another. All the while he wormed his way up the political ladder through manipulation and deceit. He used his massive army to push home his political carrier and his deception to keep it. His grand plan should be thoroughly studied so that one day, the Dark Brotherhood can use it to bring darkness to the galaxy once more.
Dark Hall, Antei
In an extravagant ceremony conducted by Grand Master Jac Cotelin, the Dark Brotherhood’s Combat Master, Dalthid, was elevated to the rank of Dark Side Adept. The Dark Voice has learned that the preparations for Dalthid’s Elevation have been under way for some time. It is rumored that the Grand Master received many personal recommendations for the promotion.
Among those in attendance was Dark Adept Halcyon, Consul of Arcona. He praised his Proconsul and applauded the elevation in rank. "[Dalthid’s] actions speak for themselves and his worth to be an Elder." The Consul spoke of Dalthid’s accomplishments both in Arcona and in the Antei Combat Centre. "Dalthid has touched every aspect possible in the Dark Brotherhood."
During the ceremony, Lord Cotelin spoke of the state within the Combat Centre and complimented the new Adept on his endeavors there. "I have seen many Combat Masters come and go. Dalthid, you are among the finest yet. "
In a showing of solidarity and support of their leader, all of the trainers and judges from the Combat Centre were in attendance. The Dark Voice staff joins them in congratulating the new Dark Side Adept.
The Black Pyramid, rumoured to have been under construction for more then two years now, has finally been completed. The final parts have been overseen by the current High Commander, Korras.
When asked about its function, this was his answer:
"The Black Pyramid will serve as the command structure for the order, as well as being a defense for the Lorimar Mesa, where the Hall of Immortals is located."
Obsidian Pyramid Click image for larger version
So, there was another reason this structure was built faster then the Dark Hall. Apparently, the Hall of Immortals needed to be defended. Was it unprotected this whole time? The High commander answers:
"No, it was not. There were temporary structures and garrisons in place. The Pyramid however, will be a permanent defense, and will be the heart of coming conflicts on Antei."
We can not tell if something is implied with that sentence, but there seems to be a lot of commotion around the pyramid. We were able to get someone close to it, and even though he didn’t return yet, we did manage to get a transmission. He describes:
"The structure is huge. It seems to be covered in obsidian, and many defensive towers are located on, and around, it. The ramp looks big enough to hold an AT-AT. There also is a strong force presence around it, but it seems to be contained.
There are troops on the ramparts, and it seems like everyone is ready for battle, preparing themselves."
The transmission ended shortly after that, and nothing more was to be gained. One of the High Commander’s liaisons, however, did get us a full briefing on the structure.
The following description of the Black Pyramid was sent to the DV staff anonymously"
Made out of pitch-black obsidian, the Black Pyramid is located in the Lorimar Rift. The Pyramid is situated between the Valley of the Lost and the Lorimar Mesa, along the Gulf of Herilan. The region is high in volcanic activity, which causes many logistical and tactical problems for any invaders. In addition to the geological extremes, the Pyramid itself is a powerful defensive structure, its surface riddled with powerful laser and ion cannons, along with more standard building defenses.
Another important line of defense goes far beyond physical measures. At the heart of the structure stands The Foundation, an ancient artifact created by the surviving students of Alaeidon. This massive black Obelisk was built by the students to house the Sword of Son’Jiaat and harness its immense power. The Sword of Son’Jiaat was Alaeidon’s battle sword, given to him by Lord Darth. The Sword itself is a simple, steel blade with a hollow blood-greave that extends through the middle half of the blade. It’s hilt is in the form of a serpent devouring its own tail, twisted around an ornate scepter. Three sapphire stones are set into it, surrounding a gold stone. When the Jedi Masters destroyed Alaeidon, his spirit escaped their wrath and bound itself to the sword, thus empowering it.
Sword of Son'Jiaat Click image for larger version
When Alaeidon’s students originally fled with the sword, they were hesitant as to how they would use it. The power that radiated from the sword made it impossible for all but the most powerful students to handle. They also came to find that its mere presence was enough to lift their spirits and move them towards their goals. It would be decades before they managed to build an Obelisk structure that focused and broadcast the sword’s power.
Set in the central chamber of the pyramid, the Obelisk of today use the Foundation and the Sword of Son’Jiaat to provide an immense boost to their fighting spirit. It is best compared to a combat-intensive method of Jedi Battle Meditation, and its range is not exactly known. This effect is set in motion in a way comparable to an alarm. When needed, someone is sent down to the chamber, whom will then perform a minor ritual to trigger the power of the sword, as well as the foundation, boosting the fighting spirit of those Obelisk nearby. Without the sword, the Foundation is useless, powerless. For this reason, the sword is only removed in the most dire of circumstances. In fact, it is forbidden even for the ruling High Commander to use this sword in battle unless he has reached the rank of Primarch, and even then only in the most dire of circumstances, since the sword will only effect it’s wielder if not set in the foundation.
Also scattered throughout the Pyramid are various meditation rooms and training halls, ranging from hand-to-hand to melee weapon and lightsaber areas. It is not uncommon for a Dark Jedi to get seriously injured during training here, for which several Bacta tanks have been issued to the Medical Bay, to ensure high survival rates. This does not mean, however, that training failures are not frowned upon. Obelisk train very hard and the competition in the Pyramid is fierce. Many trainees have been known to hide the seriousness of their injuries to avoid the negative stigma attached to the Medical Bay.
The largest hall is used as an audience chamber. Often, meetings are held here with various members of the Order, or the Obelisk as a whole. For these events, several guest quarters have been designated, with most Dark Councilors having permanently assigned quarters.
The office of the High Commander is located at the pinnacle of the Pyramid, its walls made of plasteel windows protected by retractable durasteel shields. It doubles as a command station in the event of a siege or other serious circumstances.
At the base of the Pyramid are several static artillery pieces, each mounted on rails, which allows them to be rolled back behind durasteel doors inside the Pyramid for protection. Any attacking ground force will take heavy losses before reaching the Pyramid itself. If they do, they will find no means of entrance at the base. The only ways to enter the Pyramid are from the various landing platforms, the lowest of which is fifty meters above the ground. Even if these platforms are destroyed and supplies are cut off, the Pyramid can house its full complement for two weeks. During these weeks any attacking force would be whittled down to a manageable level and destroyed.
Besides regular infantry, many Obelisk Brethren defend the Pyramid at any given time. On ‘loan’ from the Clans, most complete at least one tour of duty here to serve the order. The Clans also send groups of Jedi of different ranks to train with the instructors at the Pyramid, as an addition to the combat training they receive in-clan.
Morale is generally kept on a high level by purpose. For this purpose, a large cantina is located inside the pyramid. Jedi and Non-Jedi alike relax here, enjoying a drink. For the senior members, a separate lounge is available, with a calmer atmosphere, and more sophisticated items available. However, certain individuals still prefer the cantina. The reason these facilities have been added is very simple: when morale is high, warriors will fight better. Good offtime facilities provide for good morale, so the upsides outweigh the downsides.
Q. How do you feel that the Brotherhood has progressed since the split from the Emperors Hammer?
Freedom. Liberty. Justice. Peace. Those were the words the Emperor used to usher in the New Order following the collapse of the Old Republic at the end of the Clone Wars. Our own change was for not too dissimilar reasons.
The Imperial Remnant as it should be called, not the Empire, it is a ruin of its former self and not deserving of the title or our Empire, less still any association with our Emperor, was, and still is, a corrupt body ruled by squabbling politicians and delegates. The Moffs on Bastion have more authority now than even Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon, it is disgusting to think they once served the Dark Lords of the Sith. The ideals of the Empire were built on strong beliefs, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, the Tarkin Doctrine, and so forth. All such ideals are gone. The Imperial Remnant is nothing. We are everything.
Just look around, at the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, or any of these pitiful excuses for government, the Corporate Sector, the Bothans, even the Hutts. They are ripe with bickering and infighting. All the things our Emperor worked to remove they have revived in the space of a decade. It is sickening. Especially the revival of the, once dead, Jedi order.
The Dark Brotherhood is the only surviving vestige of the New Order.
So of course our progress has been for the best - free of the corrupt bureaucrats and the self appointed rulers. Look at the mighty and noble Grand Admirals of the Imperial Remnant, all self appointed. It mocks the rank. It mocks those who earned it within the Empire through direct appointment by the Emperor. They are no better than the fools they try to masquerade as Dark Lords of the Sith. None of them have claim to that title. Look no further than the fools who tried to revive Marka Ragnos, the so-called Disciples of Ragnos. What claim to the great Marka Ragnos did they have? They were no Sons of Ragnos, they did not hail from his House. Or the fools that tried to build their own version of the Shadow Academy in orbit of Yavin IV, yet another abysmal failure.
I am glad we are rid of such filth. The Sith did not conquer the galaxy and bring about the New Order by running around like children and waving their lightsabers in peoples’ faces. It was only through Darth Bane’s doctrine that we Sith have survived as long as we have. These new breed of mere darksiders, fools and idiots with no ties to the Sith order, are an insult to all who embrace the dark side. They, together with the Imperial Remnant, deserve death as readily as the Jedi and the New Republic.
Where they have deteriorated back to the corruption that destroyed the Old Republic the Dark Brotherhood has held true to the ideals of the New Order. Only here does the Sith Empire survive. Only here are the aims of the Order of the Dark Lords of the Sith still upheld. It can only be through us that the galaxy can be restored.
Freedom. Liberty. Justice. Peace. The ideals of the New Order will not be forgotten. One day it shall be us who bring order back to the galaxy. Perhaps then the fools of the Imperial Remnant will finally understand their arrogance for having defied the Dark Lords of the Sith.
Q. In your opinion, have these changes been better or worse for the Brotherhood?
Did the Empire help the Old Republic? Of course freeing ourselves from the corrupt chains of the Imperial Remnant has been a blessing. It has given us the freedom to rule ourselves and to return to the true teachings of the New Order. It has returned authority back to where it rightfully should be, in the hands of the Dark Lords of the Sith.
But it is much more than that. In the Imperial Remnant there was nothing but stagnation. They are too weak to engage the New Republic head on in a direct conflict. They are also too public an entity ever to succeed in subterfuge and more subtle arts of war. That is, of course, if their leaders are even capable of such acts. This new breed of Imperial warlords seem incapable of anything involving thought, though perhaps I should not expect any better from the mundane who cannot touch the Force.
Freedom has given the Dark Brotherhood the chance to return to its roots. The Sith order prospered under the teachings of Darth Bane even when its numbers were small and its influence unknown. The dark side has always worked from the shadows. From inside the Shroud at Antei the Dark Council has been able to shape the future without the intrusions of the outside world. Under its guidance the Dark Brotherhood has come further in the past two years than in twice that period before the Great Schism became reality.
Our armies are rebuilt, our fleets repaired, our numbers replenished. The worlds that now make up the dominion of the rule of the Iron Throne live in harmony with the doctrine of the New Order. It is a period of unrivalled success. Look at the events a year ago when we were even able to triumph over the powers of an immortal Sith Lord. I have little doubt that if we were still tied to the Imperial Remnant we would have been unable to defeat Okemi.
It is like the last two lines of the Sith Code:
‘...Through victory, my chains are broken,
The Force shall free me.’
Our victory over the Imperial Remnant freed us in a way not even the Seven could have foreseen. The broken chains of corruption and trivial politics have not just given us the liberty to restore authority to the Dark Lords of the Sith but to regain our true power. The Force has truly freed us to accomplish whatever deeds we wish to imagine.
Taldryan: A Brotherhood within a Brotherhood
But Where are the Sisters?
Clan Taldryan. The Dominating powerhouse of Brotherhood politics and gaming we’ve all come to love (You love them, admit it). They win tournament after tournament, game after game, taking title after title in each Great Jedi War and Right of Supremacy. But as a Guardian, a very promiscuous one at that, I want to know one thing...
Where are the women?
Sure, Taldryan is a Brotherhood, a tightly bound fraternity of Dark Jedi, but what have we to show for all our wins, and all our gains? Former High Priestess Alanna. The now Dark Jedi Master is a great claim I admit, but she alone is not enough.
In the interest of preserving the lives of my sources, I will not give out their names and addresses. But my informants bring me grave news as to why Taldryan lacks so many of the Female gender. It is the fault of Proconsul Shadow Taldrya. Apparently, he scares off the new Apprentices with his gratuitous thrusting and displays of ‘brawn’.
Other sources tell me that the first impression received by Female Apprentices is one of desperation. With almost 86 male Dark Jedi, the impression is probably warranted. While I myself have only attempted to woo one such Apprentice, I feel we should blame this travesty Completely on Shadow Taldrya.
Join me Brothers, and Sisters, on the First Day of August for the first annual "Brotherhood Against Shadow Day". There will be fun and games, a BBQ style buffet, and of course, Shadow strung up to look like a Piñata.
Q. What do you expect to see from Project: Rebirth when it is released? Are you looking forward to seeing what changes it brings?
In many ways Project Rebirth represents a completion of the plans set in motion over two years ago on the eve of the Great Schism. Though a lot of it may not have entered the public eye until much later the basic premise of Project Rebirth was discussed among the Seven and others way back during the earliest days of our liberation.
The renovations to the Dark Hall are long overdue and the improvements made to the central archives by the Seneschal and his team will be most welcome. There are still many limitations left over from our days in the Imperial Remnant that we will finally be able to overcome and the increased freedom and flexibility of the new archives will herald the dawn of a new age. From areas such as the return to a less rigid order defined Clan structure to changes in the administration system the completion of the new Dark Hall based archives will be of great help to leaders across the Dark Brotherhood.
However, Project Rebirth is much more than just the completion of the Dark Hall computer archives. Throughout the past two years the Dark Council have been compiling a great deal of information from the leftover holocrons and libraries on Antei. Lost arts of lightsaber combat, applications of the Force, among many other things, will all be part of the new ‘rebirth’ of the Dark Brotherhood. Finally all this knowledge and wisdom will enter the public domain giving rise to a whole new generation of Dark Jedi. Tied to Project Rebirth is also the public opening of the new shipyards captured during the Great Jedi War last year. These too will usher in a new age, one of transportation for all across the Dark Brotherhood.
There are few things not to like and I am sure the days to come after Project Rebirth will see the New Order finally start to take form once again. It has been a long time coming but this is the vision of the Seven and it will symbolise our independence from the Imperial Remnant in a way never before possible. We will crush all those who oppose us and entrench ourselves as the ruling authority in our sector of the Unknown Regions.
Q. Where do you see the Brotherhood as being in a year’s time?
The New Order continues to be re-established among the dominion of the Iron Throne and I don’t see any reason for this to change. The powers of the Dark Brotherhood continue to expand and our grip on the local systems continues to close around the native populace.
In a year’s time? Who can say, beyond perhaps the Oracle? I expect with the outcome of Project Rebirth we will see the Dark Brotherhood begin to once again venture outside its own borders and re-establish itself within the day to day happenings of the galaxy at large. In Yridia Tarentum are already starting to establish a network of connections and trade routes to and from the Rim worlds. After two years living among the dregs of the Unknown Regions I expect the Dark Council will want to begin moving back into the galactic arena in a move for power. The days of the Imperial Remnant are darkening and I see little reason to remain in their shadow for our powers will soon surpass theirs.
With records of the Clone Wars resurfacing and the New Republic beginning to deteriorate back to the squabbling body it tries so hard to emulate I see the Dark Brotherhood prospering. New ‘Battlefronts’ emerge with the ‘Empire at War’ and I feel it will be the perfect time for the Dark Brotherhood to assert itself among the galactic community. I have no doubt our numbers will continue to grow and the three orders will all be restored to their former grandeur. For two years we have lived in the shadow of our enemies, now it is time they lived in ours. The time of the dark side is coming.
Herald the coming of the Final Way for there will be no stopping the expansion of the Dark Brotherhood. With the most advanced technology, the strongest community, and the most able leadership it shall be we who prosper. I believe the Dark Ages are finally coming to an end and that the Golden Age of the Sith will finally be reborn [within] the Dark Brotherhood.
The Dark Voice has obtained information from some of the clans regarding their recent endeavors. That information is as follows:
Recent times in Arcona have been one of continued stability; however, change has occurred in the upper echelons of Arconan leadership. Proconsul Xu Long, also known as Syn Kaek, decided to focus on his duties as Praetor to the Master at Arms. The position however was quickly filled, as the current Combat Master of the Dark Brotherhood, Pontifex Dalthid, was brought in to fill the gap. With this recent addition, a crackdown on those deemed unworthy of the Clan has occurred, weeding out the dark jedi who had disgraced themselves and sending them into the realm of Rogue.
The Arconan Communications Network suffered a massive failure as its caretaker vanished. As such, the task of rebuilding the entire network has fallen to the new Proconsul, with the Consul lending support where needed.
Lastly, there has been a current trend amongst Arconan Dark Jedi who wish only personal glory, throwing away all loyalties to the Clan. The climate of Arcona is harsh, with only who are deemed worthy being elevated into positions of power. Arcona has no use for those who want power to come to them easily as such power is worthless. Together, those who prove themselves loyal and dedicated shall see their perseverance rewarded.
The halls of Sadow Palace have been buzzing with activity the past two month as members competed in the annual Independence Games as well as stepping up their efforts to bolster the Clan’s standing in the inter-clan rivalries. Its efforts were rewarded with the Ring of Pure Blood though this was not received particularly warmly by the regular Clansmen who have been overheard whispering something about starships and a possible assassination attempt on unknown members of the Dark Council. It has been an eventful period for internal affairs seeing the departure of Epis Xizor and his succession as Aedile of Marka Ragnos by Dark Jedi Knight Kat Pridemore, the Clan has also seen its second recommissioning of the Black Guard, since the guard’s reestablishment, with Sith Warlord Manesh, Son of Sadow, taking up the captaincy.
The Khar Shian Strike Force is continuing to press onward into the Orian Trade Route and the Quaestor of Ludo Kressh has expressed his concerns that if the situation is not brought under control soon that it could escalate into an all out war. The commander of the Khar Delba Regiment is also pleased to report that the training facilities on Aeotheran are performing well beyond predicted levels and that the regiment has enough men now to expand to a battlegroup, with this the Consul is pleased to announce the commander’s promotion from Lt. Col. to High Col. There are rumours of further expansion of the Clan’s militia however thus far the Clan Summit has refused to comment. Also the Consul and Proconsul were recently pleased to report the completion of their research into a number of the forgotten Jedi Arts, the new Holocron containing their findings and many of the ancient teachings is now available for study at the Grand Library on Tarthos while electronic copies have been dispatched to the Dark Hall library, they were delighted to each be presented with an Emerald Dagger for their works by the Grand Master, but wished to stress their deep gratitude to Dark Jedi Knight Macron Goura for his assistance in the project.
Yridia II: After careful deliberation and thought, the Marshal of Clan Tarentum ordered the reorganization of the Clan's military forces. Under the new Order of Battle, the Clan's fleet has been split into two separate forces for quicker response to a situation. Ground forces also oversaw an overhaul with forces redistributed to better defend the Yridia System. Overall command of Naval forces has been turned over to Sith Battlelord Armus, named Vice-Admiral and command of Army forces has been given to Sith Warlord Doni'tzu, named Lt. General. Both commanders have already begun work on plans to expand Tarentum's military might, and both answer directly to Sith Warlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae, Marshal of Clan Tarentum.
Yridia II: The Tarentae, Clan Tarentum's recognized council of Elders, have elected to welcome a new member to their ranks - Krath Priest Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir. Induction into the Tarentae was based upon his service to Clan Tarentum and his fierce determination to defend it from all threats and those who would seek to slander his Clan. When the Tarentae were reached for comment, Headmaster Spears Tarentae represented the secretive group and stated, "Smoke is a great asset to the Tarentae, he has shown his loyalty [to the Clan] and skill on numerous occasions. We see nothing but potential in Smoke. Great things lay ahead of him."
The Great Hall on Byfrost is finally adorned with its first trophy. The Independence Games were a huge success for Plagueis, thanks to the dedication of everyone involved. Celebrations are still taking place around the Acarr system, the jubilation continuing to resonate throughout the Clan. The inscription on the faceplate reads "Ikh Ki Hai Sak Ikharanda Ae Per," Loosely translated from Mardorin to mean "Blessed Be to the Gods of Fate."
Consul Chi-Long gathered the Clan to his audience and informed them that he was leaving Castle Frost for Antei in order to look into the possibility of reforging the Star Chamber. He has not been heard from since and search parties have been dispatched to find the Grand Master. Rest assured that we will exhaust every resource to locate Chi and bring him to safety. Meanwhile, Lucien Isradia has been appointed to the position of Consul of Plagueis and has bright and wide spreading plans for the Clan under his reign. Already plans are being formed to create the first Battleteams of Plagueis who will stand on the frontlines for their Clan and defend her honor to the death. These are truly dedicated individuals and this is their chance to shine.
The merger of Clan Satal Keto and Clan Exar Kun sent ripples in the Force as far as Erugor. When the Brotherhood heard of the merger, most were skeptical that Plaguies would even make it out the infant stage. Well, Consul Lucien Isradia is proud to announce that the Clan has leveled off and are working to continue the work that has been started. Lucien recently sat with DA Jonaleth Isradia and hammered out a new and improved training plan, the Wisdom of Plagueis. This outlines the promotion requirements for the new and larger Clan Plagueis all the way from Apprentice to Dark Jedi Knight and beyond. All in all, Clan Plagueis’ future is bright. We can only go up from here and should be a force to reckon with in the upcoming Obelisk Rite of Supremacy.
Clan Scholae Palatinae is still experiencing waves of new members joining it's ranks, bringing the Clan's population to 86. There was an exceptional show of loyalty to CSP by it's members in the recent IGs based on participation and final results. The Clan Summit led the charge with an astonishing participation and our Proconsul, DJM Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro Palpatine, arose victorious as the Grand Champion. House Acclivis Draco followed suit with an enormous number of members involved and claiming victory in many events. House Dorimad Sol continued the trend with it' members also rising to the occasion.
After a much-needed rest, Clan members have returned to their training and other tasks left unfinished before the start of the IGs. DJKs Brujah Tamalar and Hideki Tamalar Tetsuya have stepped up to fill the positions of Aedile and Rollmaster, respectively, within Dorimad Sol. They are both proven and loyal members of the House and will have an imperative role in Dorimad Sol's future. They both bring a fresh perspective into the House Summit to meet the challenge of the rise in membership and activity from new and current members.
Clan Taldryan has been working hard at solidifying its internal structure during this relative time of peace. Taldryan's new envoys have been making excellent progress with young Initiates. Best estimates show that 52% of the clan's Initiates are active, surpassing not only the other 5 clans but also the expectations set down by the Knight Commander. The House Summits have devised a number of special competitions for members to test their physical and mental skills to the utmost. Though the Brotherhood is currently in a state of rest awaiting its Rebirth, Taldryan presses forward with its plans to dominate and rule the universe.
Despite the constant activity, unrest has arisen in the Great Hall on Karufr. It's been months since the last conflict, and members are growing more and more restless with each passing day. Rumors have spread of an impending Obelisk war. Training regiments, both ground warfare and space combat, have increased ten-fold. More often Consul Kir and Proconsul Shadow are locked in private meetings within the Consul's office. Audiences granted by the two have become something of a rare occurrence. While the members of Taldryan hone their combat skills, the Summit continues to devise its plans waiting for the right time to strike out and take what is theirs.
By Krath Priest Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Well as some of you have heard the rumors, When Rebirth takes place there is talk that the newly acquired members will have a Training saber on their dossier. Personally I don’t agree with this, and there is some out there that feel the same; however there are some views of the Training sabers that could be used for Rebirth on the dossiers of all members under Dark Jedi Knight?
"Training sabers are an important aspect of a Dark Jedi's journey to power. With the upgrades we are making to our system, we have actually planned on having training sabers available to everyone. There is just no sense in a Jedi only using a light saber after they are able to build one themselves," Jac Cotelin said.
"Personally, I think it's about time this was an accepted practice within the Brotherhood. Jedi give their young ones light sabers in an effort to help [with] their training; aren't our students better than Jedi? Shouldn't we be training them to use this weapon from early on," Bloodfyre-Tarentae said on the same topic.
Training Saber: It’s really a tuned down light saber, that when it contact’s the skin of the opponent, that it will leave a burn, or a slight redness. However there is speculation to what it could do, or not do. Are they mere toys that are for training or just another Light saber?
"To this, I am not sure. I expect that they will still be able to cause a lot of damage and block normal light sabers. We do not have the prototypes built yet, so time will tell on this," Being pressed further, Jac Cotelin said to the matter.
"I don't believe it will just be a glorified toy; it will obviously be a functional light saber, but may not have more than "impact capabilities." And what I mean is many light sabers have variable blade lengths and blade densities, as allowed by using multiple crystals in creation. Perhaps these training light sabers will merely allow for impact, and mild burns, while not allowing one to cut through much except warm butter. I am not entirely certain," Bloodfyre stated, after having paused for a moment.
Why do we use them?
Well the training sabers are there for users to train in the ways of how to handle them, when they train with their masters, they need them. They will also be preset to only a certain style for the hilts. A preset standard for the Training saber's, that will be different from the ones that the Dark Jedi Knights are currently using now, as this will need to be different from the ones they do possess now?
"The Training Sabers will all be the most basic light sabers; each will be the color of the user's order. Members will not get a choice of customizing training sabers." Finally giving some straight answers, Jac Cotelin, was more assuring.
Just as Jac had commented Bloodfyre chimed in and said, "I believe so, yes. I think I remember that, for those less than DJK, they will simply have a preset light saber displayed on their dossier, which will look the same as everyone else who has not yet created their own light saber at DJK."
Members must use this saber to train, other areas are pretty much open and fall into a grey areas.
Continues to put the facts in place Jac Cotelin commented, "Training sabers will be allowed to be used on any Clan and Brotherhood missions in defense of or in furtherance of our goals."
Jokingly Bloodfyre stepped in to lighten the tense mood, he spoke straight forward and without hesitating he began to laugh while saying, "Killing, maiming, mutilation, slicing and dicing tomatoes, threatening people, taking care of the next door neighbor's stupid cat... whatever."
I sat back and paused for a moment, only to see the humor rising here.
Standard Saber: Well it’s the real thing given to those who pass the trials to Dark Jedi Knight. They have the ability to cut anything that stands in their way, within reason of course. This is a true reward for those that are willing to give the time to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, their Clan, and their master. Dark Jedi knights have the ability to wield them at a furious pace, and have trained there way to having there personal one. At higher rankings, members are given the task to make a custom designed one, for there dossier, but when they reach the ranking of Dark Jedi Knight they use a preset standard of the sabers.
Editorial: The Dark Side
By Majon
The Dark Side. Any Jedi would quiver at the thought of the depravity of the individual willing to use it, or even learn it. They say we are evil, and indeed, many of us are, but is that to do with the Dark Side?
What most people fail to realize, those Force-sensitive or not, is that the Force, both kinds, are neutral, as any force of nature is. Does one despise the bear because it has claws? If someone holds a blaster, lightsaber or other weapon, does that make them evil? No! It is the application of a tool that makes a person bad or good.
Also, the Dark Side has some benign uses, as the Light Side has powers that could be called evil. The power to grant immortality and life itself are abilities of the Dark Side, while the Jedi often make use of Mind Tricks, a power that robs an individual of the power of free thought. What people believe when people hear about the Dark Side is mostly twisted by the propaganda of the Jedi. To reveal the truth would crush civilizations so assured of their moral superiority over the Dark Jedi. That is one thing that can win others over to the Dark Side. Use this fact well, and the legions of Light will crumble at our might.
Now here comes the debate, Should we allow Apprentices thru Jedi Hunters to possess one of these "training sabers". My view is no...To get your saber you need to pass your trials to Dark Jedi Knight, upon which you are granted the chance to build your own saber. Most trials will include a written summary or graphics of the saber you constructed, and allowing the younger members a chance to posses one is a bit out of line, you could possibly give the apprentices a trial at the beginning when they first find a master to train them...This is a possible solution. However to just give out a saber whether it be a training one or a real saber is almost demeaning to the Dark Jedi Knights and Higher ranking, as they had to do it the old fashioned way. The debate can last for years, some will agree to give them there dues, and others will disagree, But this is touch and go deal. This is honor for time spent in the club to have one.
We may possible see the Antei Combat Centre use these, as this is another area that’s a bit on the grey side, would a Journeyman use or could use a training saber in a match with some one else, would this be fair, as the trainers there are pretty much above Dark Jedi Knight, this is also a solution to. After asking for a few answers to more usage’s to the training sabers, Jac Cotelin seemed to pause thinking very slowly he finally spoke, and said, "This is for the Combat Master to decide, but I doubt they will be usable in the ACC. While we will allow for the use of them against our enemies, in the ACC we try to simulate something as close to reality as possible. A Dark Jedi Knight taking on a Jedi Hunter should get the advantage of having a light saber."
Countering what Jac had just said, a different view was thrown in. "I would imagine they can be used for more than just "training." After all, the ACC is a form of training, itself. I would encourage people to earn, and use, their training light saber whenever, and wherever possible," Bloodfyre-Tarentae said, he had made this matter seem as a double edge sword, with a simple contradiction.
From my point of view the best solution is to grant anyone that has been chosen by a master, under the Master/Apprentice program, a training saber, this would possibly sooth over a lot of people that earned there’s the hard way. Could there be a requirement for the new members to gain a Training saber, as to say you need to find a worthy master and then under his recommendation will you be granted one for your dossier?
"Members will need to have some skill in the art of light saber fighting before obtaining a training saber. As they advance in rank, they can train more, either through Master-Student programs or through regular activity in order to become more experienced," Jac seemed to finally agree with what I had asked.
Practically the same view came from Bloodfyre, "I would imagine that a master would be the one to grant his/her apprentice a training light saber. It would likely be one of the master's old light sabers, and thus be a decent weapon, but not one particularly suited to the apprentice's tastes (in design); it might possibly be created for someone with larger/smaller hands, and thus, not be the most comfortable weapon... there's many possibilities. In any event, yes, I would say it would come from their master."
Personally, you could even allow them to use there training saber in the Antei Combat Centre, where RPG really fits into play. Yes we do use a lot of RPG stuff but when regular members that don’t have a master, or have nothing to do with Antei Combat Centre, then really what’s the point. But with rebirth, it’s meant for a new beginning, whether it does happen or not is to be decided.
Well thanks for your time, in this matter, as you have been grilled by many of people concerning a lot of Rebirth matters....Is there any last comments you'd like to have known? Maybe a picture of the new Training Sabers?
"I would love to show a picture if we had one. We have our men working out a design as we speak. As a final thought -- I am pleased that this idea has received so much attention and I look forward to seeing the sabers in the hands of our Jedi," as he seemed a bit more relaxed now Jac was able to finally return to his work at hand.
"I don't so much consider myself "grilled" by people about Rebirth; I think one reason people come to me is because I'll give them honest, straight-forward answers. Or, at least I'll make them laugh. Of course, in "in character" interviews, I'm usually attempting to be mildly cryptic and vague, so who knows. Maybe they like that aspect of it," said Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Well there you have it, now only time will tell, I guess with Re-Birth a lot will happen, many things will change, but in all we are here to have fun, no matter what I think, nor any other person thinks, changes always happen, some for the good, and some for the bad. In life, whether you are the Grand master to the newest member, you’ll always see change.
By DV Staff
In an effort to more adequately cover events as they unfold in the Brotherhood, the Dark Voice is putting out a call for writers. Interested candidates should e-mail a portfolio containing a sample of their writing to dvstaff@darkjedibrotherhood.com. This portfolio should include the following: two samples of a fiction piece and two samples of non-fiction pieces, a piece written in a journalistic style is a plus. Accepted writers will be notified by June 30th, and will then undergo a short workshop, as necessary to fine-tune their journalistic style.
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