Dark Voice Staff
Editor in Chief:
Overlord Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
Praetor to the Oracle
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Grand Master Chi-Long
Dark Adept Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Dark Adept Halcyon Rokir Arconae
Overlord Cyris Oscura
Overlord Spears Tarentae
Pontifex Saitou
Krath Epis Selket
Warlord Numaril Asfageln
Warlord Syn Kaek
Warlord Vally Aquillarum Tamalar
Archpriest Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Dark Jedi Knight Callus Bo'Amar
Dark Jedi Knight Macron Goura
Dark Jedi Knight Zadious
Jedi Hunter Shimas
The Office of the Grand Master has released the following statement today in light of events unfolding upon Antei. The Staff of the Dark Voice hopes to keep you updated as more information presents itself.
My Brethren,
I have preached for two years on the caution we must use in establishing ourselves throughout the systems we live in. Learning from my Master, Lord Firefox, I found that patience is a virtue in finding our role within out outlying systems. Thus, we have built our homes in secret, erected halls within the Shadowlands and kept our presence mysterious to most. Aside from a quick battle with the Antarans, we have left these worlds in a state of relative peace.
I have meditated on this fact for many hours. I have consulted with my closest advisors and the members of the Star Chamber. We all agree. The presence of the Brotherhood in our lands must be felt!
Some months ago I ordered the expansion of the Brotherhood political hierarchy into the Sunside of Antei. Members have worked to influence the councils there, bribe political leaders and gain us favor among the powerful. Today, my Brethren, I have ordered further expansion into the lands of Antei. The Order Leaders have been put to the task of taking over any political institution that may be had. Those that resist will be met with the full fury of the Brotherhood.
It is no coincidence, the timing of this expansion. The Dark Council and your very Clan Summits are hard at work in refining the structure of the Brotherhood. We are building a new communications network from the ground up. Our forces are being expanded and our system of training new recruits is being refined. Truly, the Brotherhood on Antei is becoming what the system of Aurora could never let it become.
With this expansion, further resources are needed. We will obtain these through many means, including those I have described from the Sunside of Antei. The Consuls have been ordered to expand their hold on the system. Kir Katarn of Taldryan is also leading an effort that will make the wherewithal for expansion even more readily available. All in all, my brothers, this new stage of Brotherhood dominance is just in its infancy. Expect a further expansion of our holdings in the near future!
These changes have brought fire into the eyes of my Councilors! I can see it within the clans as well. Together, we will unite our systems under one banner in fulfillment of the final way!
In Darkness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
From The Editor
by Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
You will find two pieces in this issue of the Dark Voice that address a socio-political conundrum within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. These articles are of opposing viewpoints, and the Dark Voice welcomes responses to these, and any other, articles. Letters and comments to the Editor (and the Dark Voice at large) can be addressed to dvstaff@darkjedibrotherhood.com. Published responses may, or may not, be subjected to the awarding of a DSS. The DV reserves the right to publish responses as it sees fit.
By Sith Warlord Numaril Asfageln
Does, and should, power flow from the Iron Throne down, or does it, and should it, flow from the Clans up?
This question is an interesting one, as it is about a basic, if not philosophical, subject: the source of power. Power in the Dark Brotherhood has always been a source of conflict between several factions through time. Before the Exodus, the conflict was between the Imperials and the Dark Jedi within the Dark Brotherhood, now it pits the Clans against the Dark Council. The power of the Dark Brotherhood, at the moment, is theoretically in the hands of the Clans, and it should be in their hands; surprisingly, they do not use it properly as a counterweight to the Dark Council, quite possibly due to their own division. Through this unfortunate twist, the power is de facto in the Iron Throne's hands.
Part one: Where is the power?
As I said in my article "Is the Dark Brotherhood able to exercise its authority over Antei and the neighbour systems?" I believe the current political structure in the Dark Brotherhood is a theocratic feudal system. In fact, the Clans are under the Dark Council's control because they swore allegiance to the Grand Master, who, in turn, has given territories to the Clans to obtain their allegiance. The Dark Council is buying the loyalty of the Clans. These Clans could renounce their allegiance and live by themselves, with a reasonable chance to defend their territory against other threats as necessary. This system works as long as one Clan does not become overly powerful, or as long as they are not united to overthrow the Dark Council. Through the various conflicts: Rites of Supremacy, Order wars or other inner fighting, the DC assures itself control over the Clan. This control is not absolute. The Clans can overthrow a Grand Master if they decide to, as the removal of Grand Master Zoraan has shown. They withdrew their allegiance to him, and he has fallen.
The military might, of the Brotherhood, is in the hands of the Clan. No one can argue against the fact that the forces of the Clans easily overwhelm the Iron Throne. Even if the DC possesses the mightiest ships of the Dark Brotherhood, the Clans still have the upper hand. The DC does not have its own soldiers; the Royal Guard is made of Clan members, and it does not have an "elite" squadron or something similar. So we can conclude that the only military forces directly under the Iron Throne's command are the capital ships of the various Orders, and the upcoming Flagship, while the Clans have several Victory-class Star Destroyer (that are still good enough to destroy most ships at the moment), Nebulon-class Frigates, Escort carriers, Corellian corvettes, numerous TIE squadrons, etc. A fight between the Dark Council and the Clans would be a fight between technology versus quantity, and I would side with quantity, in that fight.
In addition to that, most Grand Masters aren't even part of the Dark Council. While most of them are inactive, some of them, such as Grand Master Chi-Long, are working within Clans, therefore against the Dark Council. The Dark Side isn't favouring the Iron Throne on this one either.
Finally, the economic power is in the hand of the Clans. Again, we are living in a feudal system; the "central" power needs the resources of the satellite regions to stay alive. Without it, it crumbles and dies. The Clans are supporting the Dark Council with the extraction of various resources, from ore to Dark side artefacts. The DC could still do it itself, but it would need people, and thus it would make it more or less a new Clan by itself.
The Clans are control, together, more territories than the Iron Throne. The Clans are then able to extract rare resources not available on Antei; it can stop the flow of these resources if they need something out of the DC. The Clans as the workhorse of the Brotherhood is also the means for the swift downfall of the Brotherhood through their direct control of the various and sundry resources that is necessary to keep the Brotherhood's machinery operating. As they are protecting the Dark Council from outside threats, they build themselves up as the Council's greatest threat.
Report from the Shadow Academy
by DV Staff
Reports from the Shadow Academy indicate that there is a surge in applicants. Individuals who have sought out the Brotherhood of their own free will, and those who's potential was recognized by current members and recruited into the fold. As the Academy continues to steadily churn out graduates to be seeded amongst the various Clans where they can grow into their own control of the Dark Side, the Academy has also been shipping out servants to serve as cheap labor. There is much speculation into where these slaves are coming from, but with the failure rates as high as they are in the Academy, due to grueling coursework and the intense rudimentary training necessary to weed out the weak, it could safely be surmised that the broken failures are the ones now being sent to till and mine earth, lay brick for buildings and other menial, manual tasks. It is also rumored that the Headmaster has personally directed numerous shuttles to both the Yridia System and Antei itself to complete the construction of his personal estates in both areas.
Part two: Why the Clans?
A feudal system is an exceptionally simple one: vassals unite under a single leader, bribed into obedience, this same leader obtains the support of the aforementioned vassals, and thereby increasing his might. The Clans, in an effort to obtain better protection from outside threats, accepts the rule of the Iron Throne. The Iron Throne, in return, receives a cadre of warriors to wage wars and extend its influence, territories, might, etc. The Iron Throne always needs to convince the Clans leaders that they need the Dark Brotherhood to survive in the galaxy, or else the Clans would just quit the organization and thrive by itself, like Clan Ar'Kell did in the past (with a measure of some success).
The second reason why the power should be from the Clans up is decentralization. The Dark Council couldn't control that many warriors dispatched so widely without frequent rebellion against its authority. A subject stays loyal as long as the oppressor is visible; as soon as they are absent, the subjects can revolt. That is why the Clans are needed; by pledging their allegiance to the Iron Throne, they are loyal to it, and by being the visible oppressor to the Dark Jedi under their command, they keep them loyal to the Dark Brotherhood. Grand Moff Tarkin understood, perfectly, this rule of fear, and his Death Star was the tool by which the Tarkin Doctrine could oppress an entire galaxy. Without a tool as powerful as the Death Star, the Iron Throne must rely on the loyalty of the Clan Summits to keep their warriors under control.
Finally, the Clans are the most powerful organization within the Dark Brotherhood. As I said earlier, the Clans have the military and the economic might. The Dark Council does not have enough resources to assure its dominance above everyone, so they need to share a modicum of power to buy the loyalty of the Clans. Basically, the Clans have the upper hand, but they don't use it yet.
Part Three: Clan's failure to dominate.
There are two reasons that make the Clans unable to dominate the Dark Council. First, all Clans have their own interests, and they are not working together. If, for example, Clan Tarentum needs to attack a planet in order to get more slaves, and it needs reinforcements from another Clan, this other Clan would not help Tarentum because it is in their own interest to make Tarentum weaker. It would benefit the Dark Brotherhood as a whole, but not the Clans individually. The Dark Council isn't helping to improve this behaviour (obviously) because they need to dominate every Clan. Because they do not wish to be overthrown by an ambitious Clan leader, it works in the best interests of the Dark Council to continue to foster this attitude. The Dark Council promotes cooperation when it has to, like when an outside threat is attacking the Dark Brotherhood. Otherwise the DB is in a perpetual competition. The Iron Throne is using an old rule of leadership; divided for a better reign.
In the same idea, the Clan don't trust each other. We are living in a prisoner's dilemma: If I want to overthrow the Dark Council, will my ally stay loyal to me? Or is it going to tell the Iron Throne about my plan in order to obtain favour and advantages? As we, Dark Jedi, are greedy, we have great difficulty in trusting anyone. It is not surprising that there are not more rebellions in the DB - good news for the DC.
In conclusion, one could argue that the power is de facto in the hands of the Iron Throne. That's the image we have, but if we scratch beneath the paint, we can see that the white canvas beneath the painting. Therefore the Clans are the workhorses of the Dark Brotherhood, and if the horses stop to run, the knight on it is powerless. The "Zoraan Mutiny" is a perfect example of the power of the Clans: the failure of Zoraan to secede from the former Imperial oppressors wasn't due to the diplomatic efforts of the Imperials, but because Zoraan did not have the support of the Clans. The Exodus was possible because the Clans were supporting Grand Master Firefox; it would have failed otherwise.
Therefore, the power is in the hands of the Clans, just like a ruler's power is from the people's will. If the people are tired of the ruler, the ruler falls and another one is appointed. If the Clans ever get tired of the current Grand Master, he will fall.
The power should originate from the Clans too, because they are the check against the Dark Council. If there were no Clans, there wouldn't be a Dark Brotherhood. They give their men, their resources and their power to the Iron Throne; it's a privilege, not an obligation. After all, the Clans have pledge allegiance to the Throne; they can remove it if they need to, as Clan Ar'Kell demonstrated in the past. A wise ruler should always keep that in mind when exercising its power.
Autarch Class Warship Autarch Click image for larger version
By DV Staff
Some months ago the Dark Voice reported on the beginning stages of construction on a new Dark Brotherhood flagship. The DV was, at that time, unable to get any official confirmation from the Dark Council; both Lord Cotelin and Headmaster Spears refused to comment on the new plans. Only simulated designs were obtained from the glimpses of the ship.
Today, the Dark Voice is proud to be the first to report the completion of this new flagship. The ship itself is the first of a new class of warships called the Autarch. The name was chosen to symbolize the style of fighting used by the craft. It is slightly larger than an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, but also faster. The PCW Autarch can establish itself in battle quickly, a characteristic that is needed given the warring tendencies of the Brotherhood.
At the unveiling of the Warship, it was revealed that Headmaster Spears designed the warship himself. "I can say with no amount of arrogance that this is my finest design yet" commented the Headmaster during an introductory speech. "The Autarch will be a force to be reckoned with!" In a truly amazing display of grace, the Autarch was brought out from the shadows of Antei before all of the dignitaries in attendance. The Dark Voice was not allowed to capture any images, but the Council provided one for publication.
The Dark Council has not confirmed who will be the Captain of the new ship. It is rumored that Lord Cotelin himself will be a frequent traveler aboard the ship and may take the reigns himself.
Lightsabers Outdated?
By Callus Bo'Amar
There have been many concerns about the use of the Lightsaber by many of the younger members of the Brotherhood. They want to say that the Lightsaber is outdated and unreliable and that another weapon should be considered as the trademark of the Dark Jedi.
Those who have their own lightsaber will agree it is the most valuable weapon in their arsenal. Not only is it able to sear straight through flesh and bone but is also a part of its maker. When someone creates their lightsaber it is as if they are creating a part of themselves that will not let them down. So why would some people consider this weapon obsolete?
Gaurdian Doku, my pupil, speaks out, "I know the lightsaber strikes fear into the opposition and what not but [if] one crystal shifts out of place, then what? All you have a piece of metal in your hand and that isn't going to help you in a fight." When asked what he would replace the lightsaber with, his response was as expected, "Well you know whatever the particular person was most comfortable with."
It has been a part of the Sith and Jedi since before the Old Republic. This may be the reason why some think it to be outdated that the technology is old. These complaints come not to my desk from those already wielding a saber but from those that someday might should they progress far enough to earn the right. A lightsaber is as much a weapon as it is a symbol of honor. To wield a lightsaber symbolizes how far along the path of study of the Dark Side the practitioner has advanced.
Speaking with Krath Epis Enahropes Teriad Entar, he told me why nothing could replace the lightsaber, "Well the lightsaber not only can quickly disarm any opponent with a few swipes. But if you want to get rid of someone with minimal blood on you or the area a lightsaber immediately cauterizes the wound keeping blood from issuing [forth] from the wound." I asked him what he thought about the claims that people were making about replacing the saber he simply responded with, "They don't know what they are missing."
What would we replace it with? I ask when I receive an inquiry on the weapon of choice of the Brotherhood. Some would say a blaster others swords or other sorts of powered weapons. "Why would it need to be replaced?" is another question that crosses my mind. They [detractors] may say because of the old technology, or perhaps the use of synthetic crystals that some of us may be using. No matter what people say this writer feels that nothing could replace the lightsaber in the arsenal of any Dark Jedi anywhere.
Grand Emanation of the Emerald Daggers merely a prelude
Dark Hall, Antei: Approximately three hours after local midnight, a pillar of emerald fire erupted from the Observatory of the Dark Hall. Blazing for thirteen hours, the fire vanished abruptly.
Nearly a century has passed since the pillar of fire has leapt from the throneworld of the Star Chamber. Often seen as a prelude to war, the pillar of fire heralds the invocation of the Grand Emanation of the Emerald Daggers.
Thirteen Elder bearers of the sacred Emerald Dagger are required for the rite to be empowered, lead by a member of the Star Chamber through an arduous ritual that culminates in the eruption of the Beacon. At the completion all who pay fealty to the Lord of the Iron Throne are aware that war approaches, unified by the Thirteen participants selected to command as the Warlords of the conflict.
Last invoked at the command of Lord Emmaus before the legendary Battle of Keft Minor, the fire vanished one hour before the armies of Emmaus swept across the surface of that world, committing genocide against its civilization.
Obelisk High Commander, Exarch Korras noted that: "It would be impossible to determine the rationale of the Star Chamber or its decisions." Adding that, "I personally assure you that our legions stand ready for all engagements."
Observers noted that the appearance of the fire coincides with a buildup of forces in the Borderlands. While the Dark Council denies any overt military action in the immediate future, the appearance of the Beacon has caused much speculation.
By Sith Warlord Syn Kaek
Does, and should, power flow from the Iron Throne down, or does it, and should it, flow from the Clans up?
In the beginning of his piece, Overlord Asfageln asks himself this question: does, and should, power flow from the Iron Throne down, or does it, and should it, flow from the Clans up? He believes that the true power in the Brotherhood - the power derived directly from the Dark Side - emanates from the Clans and even that it should be in the hands of the Clans! He goes on to try to explain that the inability to overthrow the Dark Council's domination is merely evidence of a lack of will on the part of the Clans to assert their true power. In reality, the Overlord is incorrect on almost all accounts: the true power of the Brotherhood emanates from the Iron Throne and travels downward. The Grand Master and the Dark Council possess ultimate control of the Brotherhood as they rightly should. Any attempt by the Clans to overthrow this configuration is not evidence of their lack of ‘will' but is instead evidence of the sheer power of the Dark Side that is projected forth by the Dark Council, their agents and their stewards, the Star Chamber.
I will refute Overlord Asfageln's argument step by step in the same way that he makes it. First, I will discuss not only where power is vested but also on what power truly is. Secondly, I will consider the ramifications of Clan domination of the power structure and why this would be a bad things for the Brotherhood. Lastly, I will explain how the Overlord fails to understand why the current political situation of the Brotherhood still exists: not because of a lack of ‘will' but because of something greater than that.
Part One: What is Power? Where is it vested?
The concept of power is at the heart of the philosophy of the Sith Order - and therefore also at the heart of what it means to be a Dark Jedi. Many Dark Jedi, however, are overly influenced by material considerations and by their own limited prejudices. They do not understand the true meaning of power and what it stands for. Power is not mere military might; it is not mere control; it is not only economic strength. Power is an end unto itself. It is manifested in both personal qualities, such as strength and wealth, and the difficult concept of ‘presence.' In order for one to be powerful, it is essential that there exist both this ‘aura' of power and a direct ordained right of control that is generated only by the Dark Side. The strong rule because they are powerful; but this power is what makes them strong. No one can attain strength and wealth without an understanding of the true nature of power.
Third War Holocron Published
The entire Galaxy was shocked by the unfolding of recent events
By Shimas
On May 19th, Thursday all Galaxy was in turmoil. It was not because of some pesky war or genocide. On that day the Third War holocron was published, revealing many secrets on what was going on at the end of Clone Wars and how the Great Purge was carried out. It also revealed how Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and became the glorious Darth Vader. The transition, actually, was not so glorious and revealed that Vader was weak after all, having failed to defeat his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and survived only because of mercy showed by Emperor Palaptine. The Holocron also reveals many details about shortsightedness and weakness of Jedi Council, as well uncovers the seeds of Rebellion.
The Third Holocron completes a set of 6 holocrons, all of them produced by a mysterious "Jedi" - Lucas. It is unclear how the said Jedi came up with such information, because almost all eyewitnesses of the described events are either dead or missing. It is also unclear why he waited so long to finally publish the remaining part, and why did he start his publishing from the middle instead of very beginning. There are rumors that all this information was presented to Lucas as Force visions during his meditations, however this is not confirmed. We tried to get interview from the mysterious Jedi, but he is now in a hidden location, and we were unable to find him. It is also amazing how he managed to hide from Imperial forces form more then 30 years, and at the same time continue publishing his holocrons one after another. Our sources in the Imperial Sector confirmed that Jedi Lucas is on the wanted list because of the classified information he has unveiled. Same source suggest that these holocrons might have been stolen from Palaptines personal archives, and that Lucas might have worked as Imperial Intelligence officer at some point.
One is clear - Lucas is not a traditional Jedi, and he published 6 Holocrons not to reveal dark crimes of Palaptine. Estimations are that the company that helped him publishing has eared over 3.4 billion credits, and he himself earned over 9 billion credits. Of course, with that wealth he could have bought himself a relative security from Imperial Special Forces - for now at least.
Only the Grand Master and the Dark Council possess a true mastery of this conception of power. Some of the strongest masters of the Dark Side are members of the Dark Council and the Grand Master is definitely one of the more powerful Dark Jedi in the entire galaxy. It is true there are exceptions, but for the most part the Dark Council is made up of individuals with a high level of Force mastery. True power can only come from the Dark Side and therefore only through Dark Side mastery. The Dark Side has seen fit to ordain the Grand Master with his level of power. It has also seen fit to allow the Dark Jedi Masters, Adepts and other persons of responsibility a high level of mastery. This manifestation of the Dark Side - as an adjudicating entity that determines the leadership of the Brotherhood - is consistent with what is known about the Star Chamber and its role of oversight. The Star Chamber is a living manifestation of the Dark Side and its choice will always be correct. If we deny the power of the Grand Master - and by proxy the Star Chamber - we betray the idea of the Dark Side and we betray the tenets which we have committed ourselves to. Therefore, there is no way that true ‘power' can rest in the hands of the Clan. If it were so, the Dark Side would have long since dissipated among us.
If we were to consider Overlord Asfageln's arguments as entirely correct, we would believe that true power emanates entirely from material might. He explains how the Clan fleets are much larger than the Iron Throne's fleet. This is true but irrelevant when considering the nature of power. He considers Grand Master Chi-Long's efforts for Clan Exar Kun and subsequently for Clan Plagueis as efforts ‘against' the Dark Council. This is nonsense - work for a Clan is not automatically work in opposition to the Dark Council especially when these Clans pledge allegiance to the Council. Next he mentions the economic strength of the Clans in comparison with the Dark Council. This is debatable. While ostensibly the Clans have access to resources that they can use, they do not support the Dark Council entirely. It is folly to believe that the wealth of the Dark Council comes strictly from the Clans. What corrupt sources of wealth the Dark Council has tapped into we will not know.
Ultimately, true power can only be found vested in the Iron Throne and the Dark Council
Part Two: Why not the Clans?
This is the shortest argument to make because it is the most obvious. Overlord Asfageln brings up the supposed ‘feudal' system of the Brotherhood. This is incorrect. The Brotherhood is not a feudal system but is instead a collective oligarchy. The decisions are made at the top through the Iron Throne with consultation of the Dark Council. These decisions are not minor political decisions but are instead roughly akin to spiritual and ethical decisions. The Clans go along with them because they derive from a source that has legitimacy with the Dark Side.
To address the considerations of Clan influence, most Consuls and Proconsuls possess a fair amount of influence with the Dark Council. Some of them even possess enough influence to directly sway the results of council votes. This mediates some of the obvious personal factionalism that would arise from Dark Council domination alone.
Why not the Clans? A Brotherhood where the Clans dominate is no Brotherhood at all. Without any unifying force, there is no Brotherhood to speak of and there should be no considerations made on it. Without the Iron Throne and its power, the Brotherhood simply ceases to exist.
Part Three: A Lack of Will?
Why do the Clans not seize power? We have already discussed the role of military and economic strength in the composition of the idea of power. They are merely minor considerations. As has already been stated, true legitimacy and true power are derived from the Dark Side and only through Force mastery. What about Force attacks then? I was recently honoured with an audience with Grand Master Chi-Long. When I asked him about his Force mastery, he told me that he believes that he could not only level an entire Clan but most likely something even greater. He is a long-serving Grand Master but he also pointed out to me that many of his wars were conducted when he was a Dark Jedi Master. There are several masters on the Dark Council who could effectively hold off any major Force attacks on their own persons. And the power of the Grand Master could play a decisive role in any kind of confrontation. Yet not even this explains why the Clans do not seize power.
Battle of Dorimar Ends with Defeat of Harkin
Nations rally to defend against further aggression
Korind, Antei
Seven days of bitter fighting concluded with the capture of Dorimar, capital city of the Harkin Federation. And estimated 250,000 Harkins were slaughtered by the victors, the city itself suffered total destruction.
Six other nations have fielded armies to prevent the powerful Korind Potentates incursion across their borders. This is the single largest alliance of nations in the worlds short history, and threatens to envelop the continent in total war as the Korindians push for more territory.
At the same audience with Grand Master Chi-Long, he explained to me some of his conception of power. He said, "there is power and then there is power. As a whole, with me included, Clan Plagueis is quite possibly one of the most influential and truly powerful clans the Brotherhood has ever known. And that kind of power is the kind worth having!" This is an interesting consideration. The Grand Master believes that his Clan is extremely powerful precisely because it constitutes not just one person or thing, but many persons or things. This same analysis applies to the Brotherhood as a whole. What is one Clan in comparison to the power of six?
In short, true power derives from the Dark Side and therefore only from the Iron Throne and the Dark Council. Without this power, the Brotherhood would disintegrate - a confederation of Clans is not the Dark Brotherhood. Finally, the Clans will not seize power or even think of seizing power strictly because of the downsides to the idea of a fragmented political structure. If there were to be a disruption, the consequences would be dire not only for the Clan in question, but also the Brotherhood as a whole. This could eventually result in the dissolution of the Brotherhood and a collapse to our new way of life. It would mean many more years of hopelessness before the power of the Sith could be revived again. This is why power comes from the Iron Throne.
By DV Staff
In an effort to more adequately cover events as they unfold in the Brotherhood, the Dark Voice is putting out a call for writers. Interested candidates should e-mail a portfolio containing a sample of their writing to dvstaff@darkjedibrotherhood.com. This portfolio should include the following: two samples of a fiction piece and two samples of non-fiction pieces, a piece written in a journalistic style is a plus. Accepted writers will be notified by June 30th, and will then undergo a short workshop, as necessary to fine-tune their journalistic style.
Page Two of this Dark Voice contains information on a new medal design, Clan Updates, inqueries on Rebirth, an article on the Sith Ranks, an in-depth look at the Aar'aa, and an analysis of Sith Chemistry
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