Dark Voice Staff
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin x 8
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Dark Jedi Mistress Alanna x 2
Dark Jedi Mistress Arania x 5
&bnsp;Jedi Master Mike Halcyon
Dark Adept Pyralis x 2
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor
Overlord Cyris Oscura
Overlord Spears Tarentae x 3
Krath Epis Selket
Warlord Numaril Asfågeln
Archpriest Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Exarch Korras x 3
Exarch Dagger
Jedi Hunter Macron Goura
The Seven Clans
My Brethren,
The Darkness spoke of a final order where all light would be vanquished - we listened.
The Darkness gave us prophecy of the answer to our troubles - we believed.
The Darkness showed us the way to Antei - we followed.
In so many ways, as the Lords of times forgotten and times remembered have said it would, the Darkness has set us free.
I find it hard to imagine that so much time has passed already. Two years ago, this day we put in motion events that would change the face of the galaxy. Two years have passed since The Seven met in secret. Two long years have been sown since the day that we declared our independance.
On Eos we were nothing. A second thought to those who had for years been our friends and allies. We were a subgroup. The focus was not on the principles that we teach or the truths that the Darkness has shown. No! Our allies, as we once called them, did not look to the best interest of anyone but themselves! They did not see that the ultimate vision of darkness called for more extravagent efforts. They did not believe in the Final Way, nor did they see the progress that we see now. Blinded by their greed and incompetance, they never saw it coming!
As an organization, they predicted we would fail. As a Brotherhood, they claimed we would fall apart. As a power, they said we could not contend. But look, my friends, on what two years have given us! The system of Antei is ours. We have long since rediscovered our ancestry and with it unimaginable powers. We have struck out on our own, engaged our own interests and became more successful than The Seven could have dreamed!
For a year, we were said not to be everlasting. For another, we were said to be successful only because of our past. For two years, we have been marked by the Exodus, and for two years we have shown all who question us that we are not to be doubted!
We are no longer a subgroup.
We are no longer a band of exiles.
We are no longer defined only be the Exodus that we caused.
We are a Brotherhood! We are a Force in the Galaxy! We are the everlasting Lord of Darkness!
Let this day remind us: The Brotherhood is on its own. Its failures and successes are ours alone. We must not be party to the past, but instead, let us look to the future. Coming is the fulfillment of our prophecies. Coming is the death of the light!
In Darkness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Royal Guard Tournament In Progress
By Arania
The Royal Guard is holding a tournament to keep the guard cell's skills sharp. The first stage of the tournament encountered some minor problems due to several cell members having duty elsewhere, but the cell members participating like the idea. "It is good to compare skills and to know where your fellow guard members are in ability," Dark Sabre stated. "Over time, I am sure the competition will also help us better ourselves, because every cell wants to be the best!"
"It's also a welcome change from routine," Fire-Knight adds. "It's not something involving life and death -- not permanent death anyway -- but it still lets the Force flow and strengthens body and mind way better than a normal training fight. Because you have something to fight for."
"And it strengthens team fights, too," Halcyon, former Commander of the Guard, explains. "Too often, training and competitions only focus on who is the best as individual. But a cell has to work as a team to be effective. We're moving in the right direction."
"I'm very ok with my guard," Korras Aquillarum states, glancing at the Ewok at his side. "Size truly matters not - all that matters is the heart of a warrior. Everyone has slightly different skills, so I can both feel safer than I'd feel without them and enjoy their performance in competitions like this."
The Dark Voice Staff was not able to get a comment from the Commander of the Guard, but has since learned that he has been busy training with the Grand Master for the event. Our source, also a member of the Grand Master’s Guard, has told us that the Grand Master expects great things from all of the guard members, but mostly from his.
By DV Staff
The Dark Voice Staff is closely associated with the members of the Brotherhood Historical Guild, a group of dedicated scribes who have spent their lives documenting the different occasions in the Brotherhood's history. Under the direction of the Oracle, the group has written hundreds of books. The Dark Voice Staff has obtained an excerpt from the newest update to its Order Leader series. In it, the author depicts the recent event in which Lady Alanna was replaced by Telona as Krath High Priestess. The remainder of the book, which largely focuses on the tenure of Lady Alanna, will be available via holorecords soon.
Alanna’s gaze slid briefly across the audience who had gathered to witness the change of Krath High Priestess. She recognized many of the faces as members of the Order she had served for so long, and she felt a momentary pang of regret as she wondered whether she had made the right decision; her gaze passed next to her successor, and she knew that she had.
Telona stood confidently on the other side of the small stage, pride and expectation almost hidden behind a mask of calm. Alanna allowed herself a small smile. She had passed on all of her paperwork to Telona over the last few weeks, and she was very much looking forward to having her evenings back for personal study. Her own interests had suffered a little as the issues of the Order had taken priority, and she had far too many new projects in mind already. Making a new batch of Ektrosis ice-cream was high among them!
Alanna was brought back to the gravity of moment by the entrance of the Grand Master from the back of the small stage. His robes flowed around his legs, and the power emanating from him hushed the hall immediately. Reaching the front of the stage, he stopped, his gaze was focused strictly forward and he did not glance at either woman; he addressed the audience.
"The ceremony for a change of Order leader is short, and since we have already given our thanks to Alanna for her time in office, I will not delay you with unnecessary words."
Jac turned to Alanna and inclined his head. She bowed. "Dark Jedi Mistress, Lady Alanna, we thank you for serving your Order and relieve you of your duties."
He then turned to Telona and once more inclined his head. Telona bowed. "Pontifex Telona Murrage Tarentae, the Dark Council sees fit to bestow upon you the responsibility and honor of serving your Order as Krath High Priestess. This is at the same time a privilege and a calling. You are expected to serve with integrity and dedication. Do you swear to do so?"
Solemnly, Telona replied "I do."
Jac turned back to those gathered and announced "You have a new Krath High Priestess! Serve her well." Clapping and cheering erupted from the audience and Jac held up his hands for silence, and as the audience quieted, a smile finally crossed his face - "I understand there’s a party somewhere...?"
By DV Staff
Malik Sadow has served long at the helm of Clan Naga Sadow. With his long tenure, the successes of the Clan have grown. He is one of the greats in a long line of prestigious Consuls. The Dark Voice Staff has heard, however, that Malik has tendered his resignation to the Dark Council. With pressures mounting within his life and the urge to move on with his studies ever in his mind, Malik Sadow has decided to leave the reigns of Naga Sadow in capable hands. He will, however, be greatly missed.
Stepping into the position of Consul is the extremely competent Xanos Sadow. The former Sith High Warrior has years of experience, including a long period in which he served in the very position he is taking over. "I have every confidence that Goatham can fill the role that he needs to," commented Jac Cotelin when asked about the change of power. "Naga Sadow will continue in the right direction under his steady guidance."
More Light Side Activity
By Arania
News has reached us from a scout team investigating the remaining unknown systems close to Antei. On a yet unnamed, unpopulated world, there was a slight aura of the Dark Side lingering. Upon closer investigation on the respective site, several dead bodies have been found.
According to Jedi Hunter Lucien Azyr Do'Itek of Exar Kun, leader of the team, it was the result of a battle between Dark and Light. Most of the bodies discovered belonged to Light Jedi – mostly Padawans. "We found the journals of a Dark Side Master Arach'Nolis – we assume this rank is somewhat equal to our Dark Jedi Master," the Krath explained. "They end with the note of several puny Light Siders landing on what he considered his world. And it sure looks like he has put up a good fight."
It is not sure how many Light Siders, if any, escaped. One of the Jedi Knights had died very close to Arach'Nolis, and it is possible he has taken his last foe with him. However, additional teams have been sent to patrol the area as this is only one of a number of sightings of the Light Side scum in the last weeks.
"I'd not recommend for any of us to go to unguarded areas alone," Do'ltek said. "At least not if you are of a lower rank. You'd agree if you had seen the scene yourself."
According to the Council, however, it is more than unlikely for the Light Siders to come any closer to Antei. "Not after we've discovered Halcyon," OHC Korras Aquillarum stated. "They will not risk their lives as long as we are still alerted over it."
While this is likely true, we have to repeat that our membership is advised not to hunt for Jedi at the present time, save for doing the now required scheduled checks in our own rows.
The Dark Voice has also been asked to announce another Consular replacement. Much to the dismay of the Dark Council, Arcona Consul a'Lan Mandragoran was forced to step down due to an extended leave that he had embarked on. "I do apologize for my extended absence, but something has come up," Lan stated in an address to the Council. "I ask that you appoint Halcyon Rokir in my stead."
Not one to be idle on a decision, Deputy Grand Master Mav Cantor gave the Oath of the Consul to Halcyon immediately after the announcement of a'Lan's resignation.
Rumor is still abound about a'Lan's mysterious departure and resignation. The Dark Voice was unable to reach a confidential source on the Dark Council regarding the situation before he was killed by the Royal Guard. However, despite the situation, the Dark Voice feels (and public polling agrees), that Halcyon Rokir will do an excellent job with the Clan.
By DV Staff
ANTEI: The Dark Council, Clan Summits and distinguished Brotherhood members were summoned yesterday to the edge of the Shadowlands. There, south of the Dark Hall, is located the magnificent structure that was built to honor the heroes and legends of the Brotherhood. Called the Hall of Immortals, the structure holds within a tribute to the greatest of Dark Jedi. Fortunately, the Dark Voice Staff was able to obtain leave to attend the event that Lord Cotelin presided over.
"It was truly a great honor to be in attendance. She really deserves it," commented Satal Keto Consul, Selket." Alanna has been arguably the greatest leader of the Krath Order in the history of the Brotherhood, save Tiamat herself. It was an honor to serve in her time."
The event that Selket referred to was the induction of Dark Jedi Master Alanna into the Hall of Immortals. The decision to induct Alanna was made long ago, according to Dark Council sources who wish to remain unnamed. Lord Cotelin is rumored to have had the Hall of Immortals closed for the new addition during the recent Krath War. He contracted with Headmaster Spears Tarentae to have a new statue built specifically for the former Krath High Priestess. Spears supposedly had the statue carved with a more feminine figure than the previous version.
During the ceremony, Lord Cotelin spoke of the different deeds associated with Alanna since she had been a member. He emphasized more the nature of her personality and the great attributes that she brought with her to every challenge. "Of the greatest virtues, Lady Alanna has them all. Bold yet receptive, unwavering yet understanding, kind yet true to herself. Our Lady has shown herself to be the greatest in all that she has done. She has shown us that although we ourselves do not always see eye to eye, that does not prevent us from helping one another." Lord Cotelin spoke for some twenty minutes about the induction.
"From a personal note, I have known Alanna since the beginning of my days in Taldryan. Just as she has done with everything she has encountered, Lady Alanna has left her mark on me. I am better just for having known her and worked with her. There is not a single person that I can think of that deserves our recognition more than her. She has fought hard for all of us. An so, from all of us, we today mark her as one of the few immortals. She enters here a hall that honors only the greatest. Lady Alanna, thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do."
Alanna's Statue Click image for larger version
To mark the occasion and the culmination of her works, Lord Cotelin also bestowed upon the former High Priestess a Silver Sash.
The Dark Voice Staff would like to recognize Lady Alanna for all that she has done. We have included the following history of the Lady as a tribute to her career in the Brotherhood:
Alanna joined the DB in 1999. Recruited to the Independent House Ektrosis by Jarla, she became QUA of Ektrosis when it clanned into Taldryan. Leading Ektrosis to victory through a GJW and a feud, she only stepped down from the position of leadership in 2001 when real-life final exams claimed her time.
Ektrosis underwent a succession of QUAs, and Alanna was eventually asked back into the role to see the house safely through another GJW. Her intention was to step down after the competition, but then the split came upon the Brotherhood, and Alanna led Ektrosis to join the newly forming DB.
Shortly after the split, Tronsta stepped down as KHP and offered the position to Alanna. Initially hesitant, she took over the role in April 2003, and quickly realized that she had found her niche. The early days of her reign were characterized by a feeling of stability as she sought to continue with the traditional KMT competitions and activities that were familiar to the Krath, despite the relative chaos of the newly formed DB. As the Krath grew in strength and confidence, the office of the KHP began to introduce more variety and some new types of activity for the order – an in-character murder mystery, character development competitions, epic fiction competitions, an MML, and finally a Krath RoS. During this period, she was also invited to serve the Brotherhood in the position of the Right Hand of Justice.
Having spent an enjoyable two years in the role of KHP and having seen the Krath order flourish, Alanna decided to step down in April 2005, leaving the office of the KHP in Telona's capable hands. Returning to Ektrosis for a well deserved rest, she is looking forward to assisting her house in upcoming competitions once more.
By DV Staff
ANTEI: Not too long ago, an interesting rumor reached the Dark Voice Staff. The Obelisk command center, which has been under construction since our arrival on Antei, is now nearing completion.
Reporters tried to approach the High Commander on this matter, but he was nowhere to be found. However, a group of workers recently returned to the Dark Hall from the Shadowlands. Figuring there was no known construction going on, except the Dark Hall and Obelisk Command Center, we talked to the workers. After we convinced them it was safe to talk to us about it, they divulged their knowledge:
"No-one was willing to tell us what the structure we were working on was for. The structure is covered in Obsidian, but underneath that is a strong Durasteel alloy. The whole thing is shaped like a pyramid, and from what I know, it is called the Black Pyramid."
When asked for the location of the structure, the workers had little to tell. "No, we don’t know where it is. We were shuttled in, and shuttled out, without knowing where we were."
Rough sketch of new Command Center Click image for larger version
The workers also gave some information on the center’s defenses. "The whole construct seems made to resist a siege. There are defenses all around, but there also seems to be something else at work... something unphysical..."
They would not say more and left. So, a Black Pyramid is being constructed on Antei? Could this be the Obelisk Command Center? It certainly seems possible. It also seems that the Force forms part of its defenses. We will keep investigating this and report when we know more.
Unfortunately, the construction workers will not say anything more to us. They were found dead close to the shuttle bays the day after we talked to them.
By DV Staff
The Dark Voice Staff has received word from an inside source that the Headmaster of the Shadow Academy was to be promoted on the anniversary of the Exodus. The confidential source has told the Dark Voice that both Grand Master Jac Cotelin and Deputy Grand Master Mav Cantor have been exceptionally pleased with Spears.
"Lord Cotelin has always appreciated the work that Spears does," said our source. "He generally has the best reporting, and his track record as Headmaster simply speaks for itself."
After further research of the records database, the Dark Voice managed to find the commendation that accompanied the request for Spears's rite of elevation. The following is an excerpt from that:
"Finally, I would like to add that Spears is one of the most resourceful, reliable Dark Council members that I have worked with. His design ability, administrative skills, and sense of initiative raise the par for all who are around him. Spears is truly an asset to the Brotherhood and I am looking forward to my continued work with him." - Jac Cotelin
The Dark Voice Staff congratulates the Headmaster on his elevation.
Page Two of this Dark Voice contains information on a new medal design, information on the Shadow Academy and rumors thereof, in depth-studies of various subjects, more on the KHP transfer, new information from the Clans (with Seal of Loyalty rewards), and an interview with Jac Cotelin and Telaris Cantor.
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