Volume I, Issue IV
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood
February, 2005
Dark Voice Staff
Senior Editors:
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Grand Master, Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Contributing Members:
Pontifex Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
Archpriest Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Headmaster Spears Tarentae
Lord Hegemon Kaiann Yetaru Entar
Pontifex Tissaya Argat Sadow
Dark Jedi Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Obelisk High Commander Korras Aquillarum
The Seven Consuls
I come to you today with news that both saddens and angers. It is joined
with an issue that I have, for a long time, been trying to absorb and
understand. I have at last, come to the source of my problem.
Months ago, now, I was again elevated to the iron throne in front of scores of
my brethren. The Dark Councilors and Clan Summits, in a ritual as sacred to us
as the force itself, set upon me the duties of Grand Master through the Rite of
Ascendancy. I knew what to expect, what to feel, what to hear. I had been
through it before. However, where I had previously felt fused with power, things
were not the same. The power was back, but weaker and disturbed. Something was
holding my back, and I did not dare to confront it until today.
For the longest time I felt that the virus had kept hold on me. The being that
once infested my body could have very well limited my powers. This was different
though. Here there was a power that I had not sensed before within our lands, showing itself for
the first time. It shames me to know what happened under my watch.
We have been infiltrated by the light.
More cunning than I would have expected from a Jedi, this man hid his power from
us for years. Perhaps it was our blind trust, or perhaps he was good, but I never
sensed anything. He kept his true colors hidden. He faithfully served, acting
the part of the darkness as well as anyone. His only mistake was that he went
too far. He entered the Dark Council. As such, he was forced to partake in the
Rite of Ascendancy and use powers that were beyond his grasp. That is how I
found out. That is how I now know.
The Lord Marshal is not one of us. Jin Long is of the light.
I do not know where Mike Halcyon is, but I warn all to be careful. He is
powerful; a master of the light. He knows our secrets, he knows our ways. I do
not know with whom he serves, but the Brotherhood must be aware of any presence
that emulates his, and we must strike it out.
The Dark Council and I have taken the necessary steps toward returning the Rite
to its full strength. With that, I have ordered the dissolution of the Lord
Marshal's office.
Be wary. I fear without the powers added by our Lord Firefox, the Brotherhood is
still weak.
His Highness,
Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
by Pontifex Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
It seems like the Fifth Great Jedi War was mere heartbeats ago; we barely had
time to reflect on the experiences of that terrible battle and mend the rifts
the prolonged struggle caused, and already the Brotherhood seems to be facing a
new challenge.
Lately, the activity of the clans Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, Satal Keto and Scholae
Palatinae was increased throughout the galaxy. However, surprisingly, almost
every mission undertaken by members of the four clans ended up as a failure, and
agents sent to accomplish it found themselves in a carefully prepared trap. Only
through superior skills and measure of good fortune were our Jedi able to
survive their ordeals.
The most interesting fact though, was involvement of a number of hostile
Force-users in the matter. Unfortunately, we were unable to determine what
order, cult or sect they belonged based on the descriptions given. We are almost
certain that this group seeks to destroy the Brotherhood and oppose the Final
Way. It is foreseeable that Brotherhood will survive, no matter the power this
new foe possesses. As it has ever been, their efforts will prove futile and they
will be brought under the Darkness.
For now though, the Summits of the four clans have agreed to cease their
operations temporarily while the Krath Rite of Supremacy lasts. After the Rites
have ended, the Consuls will launch a throughout investigation to discover
everything about these imprudent sect that has issued such a coarse challenge to
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
Councilors Kaine and Spears honored as the first recipients.
ANTEI – The Dark Hall
"A sacrificial blade formed from Sullustian Amethyst given a unique
luster by having been subjected to the heat and pressure of a volcano for at
least a hundred years. Through a custom process of heating and freezing, each
blade has the Brotherhood logo embedded as a three-dimensional image near the
The Brotherhood has adopted a new reward to honor those among the brethren who
are so deserving. The Amethyst Kukri, as the Dark Voice has learned, will be
above the Sapphire Blade in relative value. "We needed it," noted the Lord
Hegemon, Kaiann. "I was running out of weapons."
When asked what the purpose behind the reward was, the Master At Arms pulled out
his datapad and read to us verbatim: "Exceptional services in the form of single
projects or long-term leadership to a Clan or single Council office. Bearers of
this award have shown dedication and focus on furthering one aspect of the
Brotherhood far beyond the norm." The Dark Council has intended for this award
to balance out the number of members who have been worthy of multiple Sapphire
Blades. Those people who have two had been given the option of trading one for
the better medal.
In a short ceremony today, Lord Cotelin produced the first two Kukri's for
award. The first blade went to the Headmaster, Spears Tarentae. "Headmaster,
since your first days in your post you have been exceptional at your duties. The
leader of our future, you have trained countless Jedi and have been moving to
enlist even more." Cotelin's words boomed over the hundreds in the audience. "I
have been ever impressed by your dedication, you tenacity, and your leadership.
Through your example, the Dark Council is becoming a more functional unit. For
that we are grateful."
"And you, wise Herald, have impressed me as much. The things I request are done
with speed and skill. The dimensions you have added to the council with your
news of the galaxy have made us better on the whole. Your renewed dedication to
your post is worthy of praise, and you consistent activity in the Dark Hall
makes you worthy of reward. You impress me, Kaine."
Jac Cotelin presented the first two of the new sacramental blades to the
Headmaster and the Herald among much fanfare.
Oracle reveals more of the path to darkness
By Shan Long, Oracle
During the the Rite of Ascendancy, performed by the Star Chamber, two ancient
artifacts were presented to Darth Cotelin by the Justicar of the Brotherhood.
These were the Great Sword and Shield of the Brotherhood. The Sword commands the
Grand Master of the Brotherhood to strike down those who would harry the Final
Way, while the Great Shield commands that he defend the precepts of the
Covenant, and defend the honor of the Brethren.
The Great Shield was presented to Okemi by Taimat, upon her oath of allegiance
to his cause. Upon the shield she inscribed eight prophecies, said to have been
passed down by the Nameless Apprentice of Lord Darth, the Wanderer himself. It
is said that each of the Eight Canticles reveals a necessary truth to the
achievement of the Final Order, to lead to the Consummation of the Final Way.
First is the mark of the Essence. The eternal
stream, the great balance Flowing in no set course, or boundary. Shifting to the
forms that life takes, ever into the expanse of the void. The unity of the Great
Balance, shall be restored at the end of the last age, for the Age of Unending
The mark of division is second. The scales of
the Balance shift. Between the Earth and the Sky. And between the Light, or the
Darkness. Standing on the edge of oblivion, where the spirits of life and death
mingle. Divided shall stand the ancient Order, at the end of days. Divided is
the House of the Beast, and divided it shall fall
Thrice were the Disciples of the Great One.
And thrice were the Paths of the Great Order. The sacred essence of three, was
the foundation of his Way. Upon this shall the Final ages be realized, in the
time death of the Third Age.
Four were the foundations that the Great One
left for us. Four was the pillars of his mighty code. Upon these pillars you
shall find the way to true Power. Upon the number of this foundation, you shall
make the way of the Herald. The path in the stars will begin the day, and then
you shall know the mighty curse shall be exacted full measure.
For five days, the Great Order will be at
war. From within, the festering rot will boil forth, infesting the mighty Elder
Darkness with weakness and strife. For five nights the power of the Order shall
be rendered as flashes, as the fires rage within. Order shall be restored from
within, by the power of those whom the Darkness has touched.
And upon Six Pillars shall burn the heads of
six Princes, burning on the rays of the dawn. The light of truth shall be their
undoing, each revealing a sacred mystery in their burning. Woe to the princes
that bear the Sacred Crowns, for it is the dawn that shall be their destruction.
The Seven Who Stand in Darkness shall make
the way of the Final Order, and will call forth the power of the Ancient
essence. From the Stars Beyond, and the Earth Below, they shall confront the
ancient enigmas. Their powers will be null when divided, but each will not know
the other until the last days. Then they shall stand, and call forth the Final
And Eighth shall be the twilight of the end
Darkness. Upon the tide of darkness, the final days shall ride across the
Galaxy, heralding the final path. The consummation of all that is, and that
shall be. The first, the last, the beginning and the end; the unity of all
New type of Capital ship was designed specifically for Brotherhood use.
ANTEI – The Dark Hall
Dark Voice Staff has recently obtained documents which indicate that early
construction has begun in the newly captured shipyards on what may in fact be an
entirely new capital ship design. This information seems to corroborate recent
reports that Headmaster Spears has been working closely with the Grand Master to
develop a new flagship of the Brotherhood. The Headmaster himself has been
largely tight-lipped about the project, though he has acknowledged the new ship
under construction is as of yet unnamed.
Construction on the hull of the ship has already begun. Current estimates seem
to place the ship as being a bit bigger than an Imperial Star Destroyer based on
initial hull construction, though it still appears to be quite a bit smaller
than a Super Star Destroyer. Tight security around the shipyard facilities has
made it difficult for the Dark Voice to obtain more than mere glimpses at the
ship. Still, the staff was able to obtain small, simulation-generated images of
the flag ship itself.  
The images obtained by the Dark Voice Staff seems to portray both the larger
flagship and a smaller ship, perhaps a transport of some sort that seems to be
able to dock with the larger ship. Speculation among the staff has lead to the
assumption that this small ship will actually be a personal vessel for use by
the Grand Master himself. Analyzing of the images continue and updates will be
made as more is learned.
If construction continues at its current pace, the new flagship is expected to
be completed by the next issue of the Dark Voice.
By: Archpriest Nekura Manji Keibatsu
Physical prowess or strength in The Force? This is a question pondered by many,
and a question that has plagued the greatest minds of the Brotherhood since its
birth. In truth, there is no definitive answer- however, in this article I will
seek to cover the positive and negative aspects of reliance on either path.
When they take their first step on the dark path, many apprentices choose the
road of physical prowess through a sense of confusion over their own power. As
an apprentice, you know little of the internal workings of the Force- it is much
easier to rely on your physical strength to win conflicts. And in all fairness,
there are times when this is necessary; there are times when words or careful
application of the Force have no effect, and one must test ones strength.
However, in the words of that misguided fool Obi-Wan Kenobi, ‘The Force is a
powerful ally.’ During combat the Force can provide you with alternative avenues
for victory- if your physical attacks are having no effect upon the enemy,
utilize the surrounding environment with telekinesis. If you are being beaten
back by your enemy, use the Force to implant conflicting thoughts or ideas into
his head, thus buying you the time to finish him. Used correctly, the Force not
only augments your prowess in combat but can supplement it.
However, over-reliance on the power of the Force can in itself be a drawback.
The appropriate analogy would be of a magician dedicated to his art entering
combat with a knight trained in the ways of battle from birth- the two
combatants would inevitably enter a stalemate. While the magician could
incinerate the knight given time to concentrate, while he attempted to gain that
time the knight would be able to tear him limb from limb. As such, placing too
much importance on the power of the Force may lead to you encountering trouble
when in real combat- there is still a need to develop your physical prowess in
order to truly make use of it. There are times when the only way of
communicating a point is through violence.
In conclusion, a careful balance between the two disciplines is needed in order
to truly meet your full potential. While physical strength or mental strength
alone may allow you to realize your goals as a Dark Jedi, you would be much
wiser to consider a balance between both aspects of the Dark Side
Dark Councilors given needed protection
ANTEI – The Dark Hall
The Grand Master has been visibly troubled by the recent revelation that
a Light Jedi Master was within our ranks. Truly, The entire Dark Council was
astounded that Mike Halcyon was able to evade them for so long.
"We need protection," commented Krath High Priestess Alanna. "With the dangerous
times that we have faced of late, I don't feel as comfortable in the Dark Hall."
In response to the increased need for Dark Council protection, the Grand Master
has ordered sweeping changes in his guard forces. Renamed "The Royal Guard" what
was formerly known as the Grand Master's Royal Guard will be divided among the
Dark Council members for their use. Under this new system, each Dark Council
member will choose from a list of potential guard members to select their
personal bodyguards. Those Jedi will serve and protect their Dark Councilor in
addition to their normal duty for the clans. Each Council member will have two
to four guards.
The Dark Council members will be fully responsible for the upkeep of their guard
cells. They will hire and fire new guards for their unit, and will keep in
constant communication with them regarding missions and Council travels. The
Guard members will further serve as the representative of the Dark Council
members in combat enactments.
The Commander of the Guard will be the personal bodyguard to the Grand Master.
He will assist in finding potential guard members, running training events and
making sure that the assignments are current.
"I think there is a lot of potential for success here. The Councilors will be
involved in the training and competition aspects of some Jedi," commented the
Grand Master, "a chance they didn't have before since the Dark Council is so
removed. Further, the Jedi will be able to assist in the protection of our
leaders. The system will work nicely."
The Dark Council has overwhelmingly approved of the changes. The Dark Voice has
learned that the Grand Master will be accepting applications for Commander of
the Guard soon.
Tissaya finds painting among archives
Pontifex Tissaya Argat Sadow remembered clearly the days of war at the
Shadow Academy. The memories of fighting infected allies leave scars that do not
leave. The Krath Jedi was reminded of this battle as she came across a portrait in the Dark Hall archives. The work, which Grand Master Cotelin referred to as "a reminder that
darkness is relative," shows the defense of an old structure against an onslaught of daker beings. The piece is displayed in the Dark Hall currently. The Dark Voice has
obtained permission for printing a sample look at the artwork here. The original artist's works can be found at holonet site http://GingerStu.co.uk.

Clan Arcona - The Fifth Great Jedi War left Arcona
weakened and isolated; the clan had many losses concerning resources and
personnel. Many within its rolls were discontent with the situation, and the
unity of the clan was fragile. Consul Vassan Rokir began to rebuild the clan. He
restored order and secured a profitable mining operation in the moons of Dajorra
System, giving the clan the basis it hungered for. The process of rebuilding the
clan continues under his successor, and there are whispers that the new Consul's
deranged mind has dark plans being set into motion. What glories or tragedies
will come from these plans cannot be foreseen – the shadows of Arcona are
growing, and they cloud everything.
Clan Exar Kun - Exar Kun has had many good and bad times since the end of
the Great Jedi War. The changing of Consuls was a different feel for the clan,
and then internal conflict has stifled growth in one house. The Clan has gained
in size and activity but still has far to go.
Clan Naga Sadow - Clan Naga Sadow has completed its annual Artisans
competition, and found a new Tapestry to hang in the halls of House Marka Ragnos,
the close victor, depicting its namesake, Marka Ragnos. Having had that, the
clan started preparing for something major. Tremors in the force were felt,
announcing the K'hamar'ans. Having been one of the few clans being prepared for
them, Naga Sadow now is second only to Clan Taldryan, and plans to consolidate
on that position.
Clan Satal Keto - Clan Satal Keto is rising strongly from it's period of
depression. The leaders within Satal Keto are strong and determined to make the
Clan rise to the top once more. Numbers are rising like flood water, activity is
building with grace, morale flows like a rapid river, fun is stretching like a
fat woman's dress, and there's always a plan to be worked upon. Satal Keto
conquered the Murder Mystery League, placing 1st amongst 4 participating Clans.
A few of individuals within the Clan dominated a 4-way Clan Co-op Story event.
This, and many other achievements within the Clan, make our motto stand strong -
"Order. Power. Unity.".
Clan Scholae Palatinae - The past period was marked by heavy involvement
of the Scholae Palatinae summit in Brotherhood-wide affairs. Arania Lawakiro
took an active part in the events behind the Krath Rite Of Supremacy, while
Unteminar Vail conducted the joint operations of clans Exar Kun, Naga Sadow,
Satal Keto and Scholae Palatinae. Lately, House Acclivis Draco saw an influx of
new members and shuffling of leadership, and the agenda of the new Quaestor,
Krath Priest Kschamehellan, remains to be seen and draws large attention
throughout the Brotherhood.
Clan Taldryan - After completing the repairs of damage caused during the
Great Jedi War, Clan Taldryan moved forward as always. The Clan’s new
possessions were christened with their new names to proudly serve in Taldryan’s
fleet. The times of relative peace in the Brotherhood also allowed the research
staffs of the Taldryan Times and the Codex project to bring their projects to
completion. Unfortunately Proconsul Sharad resigned from his position to return
to House Dinaari and concentrate on his elder studies. Recently the Clan has
been engaged in the Krath Rite of Supremacy, while Consul Katarn has been
spending long hours on his ‘State of the Clan’ address.
Clan Tarentum - In the aftermath of the Great Jedi War, many clans
committed to seek out and train able apprentices to replace the fallen.
Tarentum, choosing to take advantage of their necromantic powers, took another
path. Using the remains of the dead, the elders of the clan created an army of
undead to fill the menial roles within the shortages of the post-war structure.
Unfortunately, events took a turn for the worse and the moon-base of Koros was
soon overrun by the dreaded Draugr. Following the resolution of the incident, a
dark shroud descended upon Tarentum. The clan continues to plan and act in
secret, seeing the anointment of another Tarentae, Anshar Khan and also a change
in guard as the summit of House Tridens, Doni'Tzu and Oberst, retire and Pyralis
and Zekk step up to take their place leading the First House of the Sith.
A little motivation by DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar
For no less than twenty-seven years, the populace of the galaxy has been waiting
for a moment that is now mere months away: the final chapter in the epic holonet
history of the rise and fall of the Empire is to be released to the public in
the near future. And it will not only be the final, but also the darkest of
chapters, culminating in the rise of Palpatine and Vader to their utmost in
power. Now while I am sure many if not all of you will attend screenings as soon
as they happen, this is hardly where things should stop. For it is this year
that the Brotherhood will have its best chance to find talent out there in the
galaxy and on the subjugated planets. This talent however will not flock to our
doors unbidden. As such, I can only implore on leaders and followers alike to
plan ahead and use the opportunity of Darkness to show the masses what the Force
is really about.
By starting now, you can be prepared for the event in more than one way. While
you shall obviously want to distribute some tangible tokens with directions to
Antei and Lyspair, you may want to do more than just that. For this occasion, we
shall remind you that you are cleared to show yourself in full ceremonial
Brotherhood dress on all subjugated worlds. If you do not have a robe in your
possession right now, remind yourself that the main and most complicated aspect
of it – the base robe – is easily acquired in many countries at the current time
of year. The „carnival“ sections of market halls should yield a plethora of
black robes usable for easy conversion into a full ceremonial robe. After
procuring the base garment, consult the compendium on which color markings to
apply in which positions and shapes to indicate your current rank and status.
Add a belt or sash and, if you are entitled to, your lightsaber and you can be
recognized as a member of the Brotherhood anywhere. Also, anyone providing
holographic record of an appearance at a screening in full garb shall be
appropriately rewarded even if their search will not yield any new candidates
for our ranks.
The robe and trim design is also a beautiful, black, starting point for the
design of any identification cards you may wish to hand out. If you give those
you suitably impressed by your dark appearance a cleanly printed card repeating
your personal robe pattern in the decorative frame and then add your name, rank
and identification number as well as directions to the Brotherhood recruiting
office, the benefits to the Brotherhood as well as your own recruitment tally
should be tangible. Any member wishing to take the task upon themselves to
provide the Brotherhood with a unified template for these cards should please
step forward for additional instructions and of course suitable reward upon
completion of the project.
If you feel diplomatic and charismatic enough and trust your mind tricks,
attempt to gain the cooperation of your holotheater operator. The ability to
hold a short trivia session with some small prizes will put you center stage for
several hundred interested pairs of eyes and, most likely, ensure that at least
those selected to play on stage – with any luck many more – will check out what
else the Brotherhood has to offer.
With all you shall do in the upcoming season, remember that this will likely be
our last chance to influence the masses through the holonet screenings. While
there will always be some new members coming to our doors, the next six months
are the last time we have a chance to go out there, reach the masses and recruit
the next generation of Dark Jedi into our folds. Other organizations will
attempt the same, so be prepared and be the one to stand out of the crowd. Be
there not only at the entrances, be at the exits as well. The minute the
uninitiated exits the holotheatre will be the one minute they are most
susceptible to the Dark Side, having just witnessed Anakin’s rise to true power.
This is the very point they will realize the finality of what they have just
witnessed – the completion of the saga – and thus it is the time they will look
for something to fill the void. It is then that Darkness is at its strongest and
by reinforcing your presence from the time before the presentation, you will
leave the lasting impression needed to make the candidate leave his life behind
and take a shuttle to our recruiting offices.
Of course the holotheater is just one location you can turn to in the hunt for
new Force-sensitive members to join our ranks. Stores selling paraphernalia from
the Clone Wars, Battle of Yavin and Battle of Endor will be using the release to
boost their own sales of antiques and replicas – so if you can manage to join
forces with one of them, their efforts and yours can work in synergy, creating
not only sales for the storeowner but recruits for your Clan as well. If you are
lucky enough to share residence on the same planet with a number of your
brothers in Darkness, you might even consider holding a party or mini-convention
offering a live-action glimpse into some of the benefits the Brotherhood can
provide through its galaxy-spanning network. Creativity is the key, but if you
can gather a number of like-minded individuals into one place around the right
time, you have an excellent chance of turning some of these visitors into
full-fledged Dark Jedi.
Whatever effort you decide to put in, be sure to share your experiences during
the preparation time. From written handouts to plans and checklists, you will
produce items that others can reuse in their efforts and if we share these
items, the effort spent by each member on the basic fixtures will be reduced,
thus increasing the available time to provide the special parts of what will set
you apart from other recruiting organizations. Speaking of which – do avoid any
hassle with those. Convince through better preparation, not through belligerence
– the latter can only get you removed from the grounds you wish to work on, but
it will not gain you any trust among the masses. If some group intrudes into
your sphere of influence, be firm but do not let things escalate. This is no
time for showing anger and aggression – and if push literally comes to shove,
you will most likely find an even better place to present yourself and the
Brotherhood just a few meters away. You can always pay them back by being far
more successful than them.
Good luck in your endeavors from the Lord Hegemon office and remember to show
the Dark Side at its brightest so that our future will be a powerful one.
Scars from the war are fading
By Headmaster Spears
months after the conclusion to the Last Great Jedi War, the Shadow Academy has
finally begun to recover from its near destruction at the hands of the
Consciousness. The damage had proven far more extensive than originally thought.
Many of the main structure bearing elements of the Academy had been damaged
beyond repair and a complete reconstruction had to be undertaken of the above
ground structures. Vast clouds of dust still linger over the Campus.
With the last remnants of the old structure cleared away, construction of a new
Campus has begun with the full support of the Iron Throne. A proposed new
structure to the Campus has already been submitted to the Grand Master for his
final approval.
Rumors have begun to circulate through the ranks that the Grand Master has
instructed the new Knight Commander to gather together the Envoys that remain so
that they may once again actively record the true History of the Brotherhood,
the History of its members on the most basic level. It is believed that the
re-training of the Envoys that remain has already begun. It is also rumored that
the eye of the Knight Commander is actively seeking to restore Envoys to those
Houses, which had lost them. To this end Pontifex Anshar Kahn has been elevated
to Legate Class Envoy and given full authority over the Envoys in the absence of
the Knight Commander.
KHP Alanna initiates Rite of Supremacy
The fog of war had barely lifted from the Dark Hall when the mystical
creatures of the Brotherhood declared war upon each other. The Krath High Priest
was determined to find who the best was among the clans, and has been using the
present situation to act as a Rite of Supremacy.
"It has been too long since the Krath have been at war." KHP Alanna told a Voice
editor. "We will soon know who the strong are."
Rumors have it that Alanna is only using the current situation to rid herself of
a few rival Jedi. The Dark Voice has heard unconfirmed reports of several Krath
not returning from what should have been easy battles. One can only imagine the
torture those Jedi are taking at the moment.
The Sith and Obelisk members, meanwhile, have been training on a new Commando
Simulation. The current demo version has only been available shortly, but has
helped immensely with some of the group techniques used for ground combat.
The Dark Voice is sure that as the Krath War comes to a close, those Sith and
Obelisk will take every advantage of the weakened third order.
The Dark Voice has obtained the preliminary plans for new medal upgrades that
have been designed by the Master At Arms, Lord Hegemon and others. The stolen
datapad contained correspondence between some Dark Councilors that details the
new additions. We have learned that the medals affected will be the Steel Cross,
Dark Cross and Star of Antei as detailed below.
2 Star of Anger
3 Star of Power
4 Star of Immortality
6 Cluster of Rage (-CR)
8 Cluster of the Storm (-CS)
12 Cluster of
Transcendence (-CT).
2 Knight's Cross
3 Oak Leaves
4 Crossed Swords
5 Diamonds
6 Lord's Cross (-LC)
7 Rose Leaves (-LC-R)
10 Crossed Scepters (-LC-R-C)
15 Adegan Crystals (-LC-R-C-A).
The Dark Voice staff did not have enough submissions to constitute using Page
Two this time around, but has two submissions that would have been added. They
are linked below
Korras: Foresight
Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: Battle Team Yu
2 Wings
3 Quills
4 Lightsabers
6 Mark of Onderon (-MO)
8 Seal of Deneba (-SD)
12 Crown of Karana (-CK).
2 /with
Shoulder Sash (-S)
3 /with
Shoulder Sash and Gold Star (-S-GS)
Copy of roster as of 2/05/2004 kept for historical purposes
Click here for the HTML Roster
Click here for the Excel Roster (.xls)
The Dark Voice is a bi-monthly publication of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi through the Office of the Oracle of the Brotherhood.
Distribution is free and without prejudice pursuant to the articles of the Dark Covenant of the Brotherhood.
All articles are completely fictional.
The opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the writers and do not reflect the opinions of the Brotherhood, the Dark Council, the Office of the Oracle, or the Dark Voice Staff, unless otherwise denoted.
The Dark Voice © Copyright MMIV Brotherhood of Dark Jedi